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Bishops quarterback transferred to Helix


Quarterback Tyler Buchner will be transferred from Bishops School to Helix High for his senior season, his family confirmed on Thursday. Buchner, who signed up to play soccer at Notre Dame, was the San Diego section's player of the year last season.

Buchner is still at the bishops, but his mother said the family is planning to move and that Tyler will be studying at Helix for his senior season.

Many factors were involved, said Tylers' mother Audrey Buchner. Obviously, this is something we have been thinking about for a long time. We have taken into account many factors. It was not a random decision.

The family released a statement that read in part: Our family is moving and Tyler will be transferred to Helix for the fall.

First and foremost, Tyler has had great experience with bishops and will always love his coaches, teachers, classmates and teammates. It is a special school and he is grateful for all that he has done for him.

According to sources, the factors in Buchners' decision to have Tyler transferred were the cost of attending bishops, plus wanting to reduce the possibility that the quarterback would be injured. He missed all but one series as the second year after suffering a knee injury that required surgery.

Helix is ​​the reigning Open Division champion and has won the Open Division title three of the past five years. With the Buchners transfer, the Highlanders will be favored to win the division again next fall.

After missing most of his second season, Buchner had a remarkable junior campaign, scoring 4,474 yards and 53 touchdowns while rushing for 1,610 yards and 28 touchdowns.

Bishops head coach Joel Allen, himself a former quarterback, said the 6 foot 2 inch 205 pound Buchner is the best high school quarterback he has ever seen .

Without a doubt, said Allen. The talent is incredible.

Buchner had an amazing performance in the Division II championship game last year, losing 75-59 against El Camino. Buchner completed 20 of 47 passes for 286 yards and three touchdowns. He rushed 18 times for 350 yards, including touchdowns of 15, 72, 1, 79 and 55 yards.

It was like the first time we had seen him take over, said Allen. He was doing it in a way that seemed effortless. It was as if a cap came off and everything was possible. It was impressive to watch, that's for sure.

Although disappointed that Buchner isn't playing the Bishops next season, Allen said: I love this kid. I don't want anything other than the child to be healthy, emotionally, socially and athletically. I just want the best for him.

If I get a week off, I'll be playing by supporting him. He was just incredible, an incredible player, teammate and person. Tylers was a great kid, and everyone was rooted for him.

Buchner is not the only talented player transferred to Helix. Former Madison lineman Josh Simmons (6-5, 285 lbs), who signed up for Oregon, was transferred to Helix in January. Buchners' former teammate, catcher Clay Clayry, signed up for Helix this week.

Petry caught 68 passes for 1,204 yards and 14 touchdowns last season.

Helix has two All-San Diego offensive linemen back, as well as one of the best defensemen, Christian Washington.

While noting that Buchner has yet to sign up for Helix, Highlanders head coach Robbie Owens said he has a unique skill set. Obviously, Carson Baker (who will be a sophomore at San Diego State next season) was a very good quarterback for us.

But he was not a five star (rookie). As an athlete, (Buchner) will open up our attack even more.

Buchner plans to leave Helix by next January and sign up for Notre Dame early.

Norcross is a freelance writer.

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