Rebecca Kong keeps Torrey Pines High tennis legacy going with CIF individual crown

On the eve of the girls’ singles tennis championship, Torrey Pines Rebecca Kong had trouble sleeping. Waking up, looking at the clock, falling asleep, waking up again and staring at the clock again.
I think they were butterflies, said Kong, a junior. I said to myself: Yes, you are excited, but you need to rest.
When Kong showed up at the Balboa Tennis Club on Saturday morning, her nerves had calmed down and she rolled to a 6-2, 6-4 win over Otay Ranch senior Emely Valencia. It is the second year in a row that a Falcon has won the crown.
A year ago, freshman Alyssa Ahn took home the trophy. Ahn focused on national and professional tournaments and did not return to defend her title.
“I’m glad I was able to hold onto the Torrey Pines legacy,” Kong said.
The match was more of a tactical affair than a brawl. The players switched backhand slices from the baseline, soft forehand push shots, with Kong throwing high bouncing looping forehands.
She played a good tactical game, said Angel Lopez, head teaching pro at the San Diego Tennis & Racquet Club, which Kong coaches. It wasn’t your typical bang-bang, academy (tennis). They were both mixing with the ball a lot. It was almost like watching two wooden racket players.
Lopez has coached boys and girls to more than 20 San Diego Section singles titles, dating back to La Jollas Sara Papplebaum in 1980.
Both players came in undefeated. Kong was placed as number 1, Valencia as fifth. Kong held the much higher Universal Tennis Rating, the benchmark for measuring players around the world. Kong was rated at 8.81, Valencia at 7.25.
Kong had another advantage. She was better rested, as she did not have to play a semi-final on Friday. Kong got a walkover win when Del Nortes Ayanna Shah pulled out with an injured neck.
By comparison, Valencia needed three sets to beat Canyon Crest Academy’s Chaeyule Kang in her semifinal.
She came in more fresh, Valencia said.
Valencia, who has verbally committed to UC Santa Cruz, is an interesting player. She resembles Gabriela Sabatini, hitting backhands with one hand and mixing slices with bombs from the baseline.
There aren’t many one-handed backhand players out there, Kong said. Her slices are good. I didn’t expect how she played. (Her groundstrokes) are really sudden and surprise you.
Kong broke Valencia’s serve twice to easily take the first set 6-2. Valencia sharpened their game in the second set, leading 4-3 before Kong swept the last three games, breaking Valencia’s serve twice.
On the last point of the game, Valencia cut another backhand slice from the baseline. But this one sailed and sailed and landed inches past the baseline.
Asked her reaction when the ball landed long, Kong said: probably relief, honestly.
Kong had a busy schedule on Saturday. After sorting things out at Morley Field, she went to Orange County to play in a USTA doubles semifinal.
In the doubles final, Patrick Henrys defeated Anna Pallencaoe and Kate Pritchard Del Nortes Arushi Rai and Emma Shen 7-5, 6-2.
Norcross is a freelance writer.
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