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I always believed in myself to make it to the World Cup: Spain’s Soler

I always believed in myself to make it to the World Cup: Spain’s Soler


Carlos Soler has no regrets about moving to Paris Saint-Germain in the summer from Valencia and said he never feared missing the World Cup with Spain because of it.

The 25-year-old midfielder struggled for minutes after his substitution, but was nevertheless called up by Spain coach Luis Enrique despite strong competition for places.

“He’s not used to being a starter,” said PSG teammate Kylian Mbappé after they beat Juventus in the Champions League in November.

However, Soler says that before the World Cup started, he finally found his footing in Paris.

“Of course I thought about the decision a lot, because it’s not easy to leave your home, where you’ve been all your life,” Soler told AFP in an interview on Sunday.

“But I wanted to go, make a move to a big club, at the highest level in Europe, try to fight for titles, play as many as possible and I’m very happy now because I went through a learning phase there.

“The first month, the second month, but I think this last month went really well. I played more, I helped the team and that’s what I want.”

Asked if he was worried his limited performances would reduce his chances of being part of the squad for the World Cup, Soler said he was always confident.

“No, maybe it’s something that goes through your mind, it’s inevitable and people tell you. My friends, people close to me, but in the end I believed in myself.

“I thought the work I did in the national team was good, and what I did on the pitch would be good,” he explained.

“In the end, that’s what it’s about. Having confidence in yourself and finding it important. In that sense, I felt important here at the national team and thought I would come.”

Soler came on to score in Spain’s first 7-0 romp over Costa Rica but has yet to appear in Qatar, not used in the 1-1 draw with Germany or the 2-1 defeat to Japan.

In midfield, Luis Enrique resembles the Barcelona trio of Sergio Busquets, Pedri and Gavi, but Soler waits for his chance and praises coach Luis Enrique.

“For me he’s one of the best coaches I’ve ever had, that’s the truth, he’s a coach who convinces you,” said Soler.

“And he not only convinces you because he is Luis Enrique, but he convinces you because he gives you the reasoning, and later you see it on video, he convinces you with reasoning.

“We are behind Luis Enrique in everything, we will continue his plan to the end and for now it is not going too bad.”

– Wear them off –

Soler probably won’t start against Morocco, but he’s keeping an eye on them, keeping a close eye on other World Cup matches and playing darts and table tennis in his spare time.

“Morocco had a great group stage, beating Belgium and drawing with Croatia. The only goal they conceded was against Canada in the last game, so it will be a very tough game,” said Soler.

“I’m sure they’ll tighten up and lean back, and maybe they’ll put pressure on us, I don’t know, but I’m sure they’ll lean back against us in numbers.

“We’ll have to try to wear them down, move the ball from side to side quickly, and maybe a little more vertically if we get the chance, and try to get ourselves into the quarter-finals.

“Morocco has a strong team with very good players, (Achraf) Hakimi, (Hakim) Ziyech, (Youssef) En-Nesyri, Bono, a lot of very good players, (but) I think they put the collective above the individual.”

Hakimi is Soler’s teammate at PSG and they could face each other on Tuesday.

“It’s true that before the World Cup we joked about the last 16 that we would cross each other, and now look what happened,” he added.





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