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Former world No. 1 women’s tennis player charged with second French Open doping violation

Former world No. 1 women’s tennis player charged with second French Open doping violation


Simona Halep, who has been suspended since October because of a positive test for a banned substance, is facing a second doping allegation.

Reuters reported that the latest charge comes from her Athlete Biological Passport showing irregularities in her profile.

“We understand that today’s announcement adds complexity to an already high-profile situation. … We have remained committed to engaging with Ms. Halep in an empathetic, efficient and timely manner,” Nicole Sapstead, senior director for anti-doping at the International Tennis Integrity Agency, it said in a statement.


Simona Halep at US Open

Romania’s Simona Halep reacts while playing against Daria Snigur of Ukraine in the first round of the US Open at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on August 29, 2022 in New York City. (Robert Prange/Getty Images)

“It would be inappropriate to comment on specific details until the conclusion of the trial, but we will continue to work with the independent tribunal of Sport Resolutions and Ms. Halep’s representatives as soon as possible.”

Simona Halep backhand

Simona Halep of Romania plays a backhand during her match against Anastasia Potapova of Russia at the Western and Southern Open at the Lindner Family Tennis Center on August 16, 2022 in Mason, Ohio. (Dylan Buell/Getty Images)


Halep was previously suspended for testing positive for roxadustat at the US Open last year, which she has denied knowingly doing.

The Romanian has been ranked No. 1 in the world for a total of 64 weeks in her career, winning the French Open in 2018 and Wimbledon in 2019. She reached the final of the Australian Open in 2018 and her best result at the US Open is the semifinal of 2015.

Simona Halep up front

Simona Halep of Romania during practice ahead of the US Open Tennis Championships at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on August 28, 2022 in New York City. (Robert Prange/Getty Images)


She is currently ranked 30th in the world.




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