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New research project furthers BCU's mission to make cricket more inclusive

New research project furthers BCU's mission to make cricket more inclusive
New research project furthers BCU's mission to make cricket more inclusive



Birmingham City University (BCU) will continue to break down the barriers to cricket by working with the sport's national governing body and a number of leading UK charities to make the game more accessible to players from black and Asian backgrounds.

BCU has already proven its commitment to inclusion in the game with its pioneering work with the South Asian Cricket Academy (SACA), and plans to expand its influence by launching a new research project supported by the English and Wales Cricket Board (ECB ).

The aim of the initiative will be to create more equal cricket talent systems that support young black and Asian athletes across the UK, especially women.

To create more effective and efficient systems, we need to understand how to work with more diverse groups within cricket, says project leader Dr Adam Kelly, a talent development expert from BCU.

To widen the pool of potential, we also needed to understand how we could attract more British South Asian girls and women to the trails, as well as retain them and transition them to higher levels of play.

In addition to BCU, ECB and SACA, the project also involves TakeHer Lead and ACE, two charities committed to providing more opportunities to under-represented groups in the UK.

Chevy Green, ACE Program Director, said: We want to create an environment where young people can be themselves in a space that accepts them.

It's great to be part of this project to diversify talent pathways to include more South Asian and African-Caribbean cricketers, as well as other unrepresented groups.

Cricket as a sport has not supported these unrepresented groups. Diversity is a fact. Inclusion is a choice. We decided to involve everyone.

Dr. Kelly said: It's brilliant to work with these organisations. Together we can influence policy, make a difference to children playing cricket, and encourage more individuals to get involved.

The project will be supported by two dedicated BCUPhD students, Hina Shafi and Omar Green.

I experienced that within my own culture, sports were not seen as a safe career for a woman, Hina said. I want to see more women and girls in the game, as well as an increase in diversity across the board.

Omaradded: I want more players to feel more comfortable within the system, so I will look at how we can create more culturally aware talent pathways.

The project, called BESTA, will be one of the driving projects for the new Research Lab for Athlete and Youth Sport Development (RAYSD Lab) at BCU, which launched in January 2024.

As a senior lecturer in sports coaching and physical education at BCU, Dr.Kelly said: It's great timing. The RAYSD Lab connects all the work we've done to support youth in sports and help every young athlete reach their potential.

The BESTA project also builds on the work of Dr Tom Brown, a former PhD candidate at BCU. His research led to the creation of the highly impactful SACA program.

Dr. Brown, now director of SACA, said: I am pleased to be involved in the project. There are some brilliant people around the table. Not only can they provide valuable expertise, but they are also the right people to influence practice. That's the most important thing to me.

By building on existing research we can address knowledge gaps and achieve our goal of making cricket the most inclusive sport in the country.




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