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Legendary college football coach Nick Saban reveals major lifestyle changes since retiring

Legendary college football coach Nick Saban reveals major lifestyle changes since retiring


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Nick Saban has had a busy schedule over the past few decades. But earlier this year, the seven-time college football national champion decided to step away from the sidelines.

Shortly after Saban's retirement, Alabama announced that Kalen DeBoer would leave the Washington Huskies and take on the head coaching role in Tusccaloossa. Saban is expected to remain involved with the Alabama football program in a “supporting” capacity. But his agenda will certainly no longer be fully filled with the responsibilities that being a head coach entails.

“I want to draw as little attention as possible to my presence here,” Saban told ESPN. “So I want to be supportive. I want to be helpful, but I don't want to look over anyone's shoulder.”


Nick Saban at SEC media days

Alabama Crimson Tide Head Coach Nick Saban speaks during Day 3 of the 2023 SEC Media Days at the Grand Hyatt Nashville on July 19, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee. (Johnnie Izquierdo/Getty Images)

Saban will also step into his new role as a panelist on ESPN's “College GameDay” later this year. But for now, he seems to be enjoying his more relaxed lifestyle.


He recently opened up about the biggest changes he's faced since retiring from coaching.

“The biggest change for me as a person is that I've been in a hurry my whole life for the last 50 years,” Saban told ESPN's Chris Low. “It was: Hurry up to get here. Hurry up to get there. Don't be late for this meeting. You have another meeting in an hour. What are you going to say to the staff? What are you going to say to the team ?” ?”

Nick Saban waves

Alabama Crimson Tide Head Coach Nick Saban celebrates after the SEC Championship Game between the Georgia Bulldogs and the Alabama Crimson Tide on December 2, 2023 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, GA. (Jeffrey Vest/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Saban added that when he was running football programs, it was difficult for him to relax, even when he was on vacation.

“I mean, it was just deadline after deadline after deadline. Even when I drove to the lake to go on vacation, I was in a hurry, and for what? But that's just how you're built.'


But Saban seems to be finding ways to unplug during his newfound downtime.

“He texts and reads his own emails and has sent his very first email,” Saban's wife Terry told ESPN. 'He even went to the pharmacy for the first time to pick up his first prescription. He's actually quite proud of himself.'

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