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College football spring games 2024: Alabama, Ohio State, Tennessee lead-laden displays

College football spring games 2024: Alabama, Ohio State, Tennessee lead-laden displays


It's officially spring season and the first big slate kicks off this weekend with demonstrations across the country. Saturday is an especially big day for the SEC, with eight of the now 16 teams taking the field to bring their spring training to a close.

That includes Alabama, which was undergoing a coaching transition for the first time in more than 15 years, and Georgia, which is looking for a return to the College Football Playoff after its quest for three-peat fell short last season. LSU is bringing in a new quarterback as Heisman Trophy winner Jayden Daniels heads to the NFL.

It's not just the SEC's day to shine, though. Elsewhere in the country, Ohio State will play in front of a national audience after a stimulating offseason that saw major changes to both the coaching staff and roster. While Utah is technically still a member of the Pac-12 until July, it is gearing up for a move to the Big 12 and a possible attempt at even loftier goals.

Here's a look at some of the top storylines to follow during this weekend's spring games, as well as a look at the other notable teams in action on Saturday.

Alabama: ushers in a new era

For the first time in nearly two decades, Alabama will take the field at Bryant-Denny Stadium without Nick Saban leading the way. Kalen DeBoer makes his Crimson Tide on-screen debut on Saturday; Alabama's highly anticipated spring game will be broadcast on national cable television in an undisputed first. There's clearly plenty of reason for the hype.

DeBoer brought a brand new staff, highlighted by two new coordinators: Nick Sheridan on offense and Kane Wommack on defense. Alabama lost a number of stars to the transfer portal, but returning names like quarterback Jalen Milroe provide plenty of hype for a season that should be filled with excitement no matter how it turns out.

Ohio State: Paradigm shift underway

The buzzword for coach Ryan Day as he heads into a pivotal 2024 season is “physicality.” The Buckeyes went all-in this season to revamp their offense. They pulled off an absolute coup by convincing incumbent UCLA coach Chip Kelly to join the staff as offensive coordinator. His persistent inside-zone scheme is evidence of a major change taking place in Columbus.

Ohio State also dove into the portal to add former Kansas State star Will Howard as the projected starting quarterback. The 6-foot-4, 242-pound Howard may not have the dazzling arm talent we've come to expect from Ohio State QBs under Day, but he's a punishing runner with a Mack Truck frame that's comfortable with the ball in his hands. Former Ole Miss running back Quinshon Judkins, another impressive offseason addition, fits perfectly into Kelly's plan. Day is changing his philosophy and going all-in for a national championship run in 2024. Saturday marks the start of it all on national television.

Utah: All eyes on Cam Rising

Utah is an early favorite to win the Big 12 in the conference's first season, but its hopes hinge on the health of veteran quarterback Cam Rising. Rising is entering his seventh year in college football and is dealing with a devastating knee injury that resulted in multiple torn ligaments and corrective surgeries. Without him running the show in 2023, the Utes had the worst passing attack in the Pac-12 — and one of the worst nationally — while averaging less than 200 yards passing per game.

Yet Utah still posted a respectable 8-5 record, with defense leading the way. No wonder there is hype surrounding this team, with Rising expected. He's had the spring so far, and since quarterbacks aren't usually live during spring games, he'll likely see plenty of work.

Ole Miss: Transfers are key

Ahead of what Ole Miss hopes will be a College Football Playoff year, coach Lane Kiffin has once again pushed hard into the transfer portal to fill roster holes and upgrade talent across the board. The Rebels ultimately signed a robust 15-player transfer class over the offseason, almost enough to field a new starting lineup on both sides of the ball, occupying the No. 1 spot in 247Sports' Team Transfer Rankings.

Highlighting this performance is former Texas A&M defensive lineman Walter Nolen, the third-ranked player overall and second-highest ranked defenseman in 247Sports' rankings. He immediately raises Ole Miss' defensive ceiling with his ability to strengthen the middle and disrupt offenses at the point of attack. Former South Carolina wide receiver Antwane Wells Jr. should be a top target for returning quarterback Jaxson Dart, and LSU running back Logan Diggs adds some versatility to a backfield that needs to replace a lot of production. Kiffin and the Rebels are pinning their hopes on these transfers working together. A lot of work will be done in that process in the spring.

Tennessee: It's time for Nico

Tennessee fans got their first tantalizing look at the quarterback of the future, Nico Iamaleava, during Tennessee's 2023 Citrus Bowl victory against Iowa. Iamaleava earned the game's Offensive MVP honors after totaling four touchdowns and showing impressive command of the offense for a freshman in his first career start. Now the proverbial keys to the castle are undoubtedly his progress. As a former No. 2 prospect nationally, there is understandable excitement ahead of his first year as a starter. The spring game will show where he has progressed in his preparation and how comfortable he feels running the offense full-time.

Spring schedule for April 13th


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1 o'clock in the afternoon

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Virginia technology

3 p.m

ACC Network Extra

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16.00 hours

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ACC Network Extra


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