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Summer in Scandinavia: five ecological ideas to relax like a local | Holidays in Scandinavia

Summer in Scandinavia: five ecological ideas to relax like a local |  Holidays in Scandinavia


Oslo: summer in the city

With marinas in Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki and all over Denmark's cities, not to mention plenty of ways to enjoy the sea, from kayaking to urban fishing, there's often a coastal air to Nordic cities in the summer, and especially Oslo .

One of the best summer activities is to visit Oslofjord and its archipelago by boat, pack a picnic and sail in search of hidden swimming spots and colorful island houses. Brim Explorer is one of the best options: an eco-friendly boat company that offers silent tours powered by an electric motor (tours from 44). You can also show your love for water by joining Crazy goats in their fjord cleaning operations every Sunday; attending gives you access to one of their free saunas and a free burger at the end.

There is a growing art scene to discover around the port. of National Museum is showing an undisputed exhibition by Spmi artist Britta Marakatt-Labba, focused on environmental struggle and climate issues seen from an indigenous perspective, until August. Afterwards, stroll along the harbor promenade past the opera house and visit The Munch Museum. There is a new family beach, Operastranda, next to the Opera House this year; it's also great for swimming Srenga sea water pool. Stay aware of the environment Goldsmith Osloa Nordic-Balinese hotel in the Vika neighborhood from 100 a night.

Explore Denmark's sunniest island

Bornholm is officially the Danes' favorite holiday destination and has an artists' colony vibe. Photo: Image Professionals GmbH/Alamy

Bornholm it is officially the Danes' favorite holiday destination (as voted for last year at the Danish Travel Awards). Accessible by bus and ferry or hydrofoil from Copenhagen, known as the country's sunshine island: Svaneke, a charming harbor town on the west coast, is the sunniest place in all of Denmark.

No need for a car: you can get around relatively easily by bike and bus to explore fishing villages and small towns like Gudhjem, known for its national flag. cooking competition, and sunny Svaneke, in search of the best ice cream, drank herring and locally brewed beer. Bornholm has an anarchist colony atmosphere reminiscent of parts of Cornwall and is known for its pottery. You can find small workshops and galleries located around its villages, and especially in the town of Nex, where there is a ceramics school. The beaches are wide, sandy and beautiful, especially suitable for children, Dueodde with dunes, which Lonely Planet recently listed as one of The 20 best beaches in Europe.

New this year, Eco Beach Camp offers glamping from around 150 a night (sleeping two to four) on the beach just steps from the Michelin-starred islands Gift restaurant, known for its focus on hyper-local and sustainable food. Or rent a summer house through firms including Novasol AND Dancenter where rates start from around 300 for a week's stay. You are expected to bring the basics with you, including sheets.

Norway The Arctic Trail

The Nordlandsruta includes a variety of wonderful Norwegian landscapes. Photo: ufopeople/Getty Images

Culture and nature come together on Norway's longest hiking trail this summer. 400 miles Nordland Roadwhich runs along the Norwegian-Swedish border, will join the celebrations to mark the Arctic city of Bods' year in the spotlight as one of the European Capitals of Culture in 2024. There are a number of artist-led events at the booths along the trail, and activities include poetry and portrait workshops and a mobile perfumery that creates scents from herbs hikers pick along the way.

Evening entertainment includes campfire cooking, improv theater and Spmi lasso throwing. It also plays into another major theme of Nordic travel: life in nature, a great love outside. Norwegians love to walk and there is an extensive network of trails, with hiking cabins along them, all over the country.

It's a beautiful walk whether you're in the region for the festivities or not passing through the Arctic Circle, Lapland Area World Heritage Site, national parks and Spmi cities. From wildflower-filled meadows to snow-capped mountains, deer-herd plateaus and raging rivers, it has all the drama you'd expect from this northern landscape. There are 43 unmanned huts on the road, you will need a key from the Norwegian trekking organization DNA to use them.

It would take about six weeks to walk the entire route, but it is divided into eight smaller stages for those who have less time. For hikers with an eye on deer herds and Spmi cultivation, the 57-mile stretch from Raudlia to Susendalen passes through two valleys and passes the hat-shaped Mount Hatten, while the 45-mile section from Bolna to Umbukta skirts the sacred Spmi mountain of Auronasen. , silver mines and a glacier. Weekend hikes along the trail are also possible from Narvik and Bod.

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Finland's peaceful waterways

Kainuu is one of the quietest regions in Europe. Photograph: Alamy

If you like lakes, islands and trees, Finland is the place for you, it is the most forested country in Europe and there are more bodies of water than any other country in the world. In the Kainuu region in the east of the country, it's easy to escape the crowds for pure Nordic immersion.

Nature trips offers self-guided canoe tours of the region where you can wild camp along the way, fish for your dinner and go at your own pace. Choosing the group is a distant adventure in the Tar road (from 154 per person, for three nights/four days, based on two people, including all equipment and transfers to the starting point), the historic route once used to transport tar to the Baltic Sea. Instead of tar, your load will be just you, your tent, and enough food for a four- to eight-day tour through calm waterways, rapids and easily bypassed rapids, and sheltered islands.

Along the way you can spot moose, foxes, owls or even eagles. Stop fishing for your dinner, cook it over an open fire, and retire to a shelter or tent for the evening. Look out, too, for island saunas, dotted along the way, where you can ease the tension on your back and arms after a hard days driving. Don't forget to pack insect repellent: Finnish forests are notorious for their pesky flies.

This route usually starts from Kuhmo, is accessed by train and bus from Helsinki, while Helsinki itself can be reached by ferry from Stockholm if you prefer not to fly.

Stay in a Swedish summer house

The village of Landsort on the island of Ja. Photo: Berndt-Joel Gunnarsson/Alamy

It is traditional in this part of the world to spend at least part of the summer in a summer house (actually more of a simple cabin) in nature. The essence of summer house life is to lean into a slower pace of life: read a book under a tree, bake a cake, take a gentle walk. It's also about living in harmony with nature and embracing the joys it offers, including swimming, fishing, hiking and boating.

The Stockholm archipelago is one of the most accessible and popular summer home destinations. Access is through one of many public ferries (One-way trips from the city pier cost up to 14 depending on location). It's as easy as taking a bus.

The region is protected by Archipelago Foundation, which maintains public access to land and water in the area, and has a wide range of characterful accommodation spread across the islands. They include a 19th century former customs on the remote and rocky island of Huvudskr, converted into a rustic youth hostel (room rates from 186 for a four-bed room), as well as summer cottages on the action-packed South Island of Ut, where double cabins start at around 338 for a week in high season.

Summer cottages usually require you to bring bed linen. Depending on the island you choose, you may need to bring all your supplies for the week as well. Peak season for Scandinavia is usually July to August travel for slightly reduced fares.

Copenhagen-based Laura Hall writes Modern Scandinavian newspaper




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