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University of Alabama at Birmingham Athletics

University of Alabama at Birmingham Athletics


BIRMINGHAM UAB Softball secured its second win of the series over Memphis with a second straight walk-off of the weekend. Right fielder Hannah Miles sent an RBI single, plating Kaily Collett and giving the Blazers the 2-1 victory.

The Blazers had three hits, including a sac-bunt, and more than twenty at-bats. The Green and Gold improved to 19-22 and 10-7 on the season.


The Blazers and Tigers kept the score within reach through the first few innings. The Tigers were the first to strike, reaching base with two fielder's choices and a single, putting two on base. However, UAB stopped the rally with a catch Olivia Valbak.

The Blazers were fruitless in the bottom of the first inning, but were able to prevent Memphis from accumulating runs in the bottom of the second. When the bottom of the second inning arrived for the Blazers, a string of hits came together for UAB. A walk from Ant Hendersonfollowed by back-to-back singles from Makenzie Droddy loaded the bases. Lilly Crowe approached the plate, sent a flyball to center field and plated Henderson.

Now up 1-0, UAB delivers 1-2-3 innings through the third and fourth before entering the bottom of the fourth inning. The Blazers were able to get one runner on base, but were unable to score on a groundout. Memphis finally responded on offense, tying the game with a solo homer to center field in the fifth. Another hit came from the Tigers, but the Blazers stopped the rally going into the final two innings.

The Green and Gold didn't collect any runs in the fifth, but maintained their defensive efforts with another 1-2-3 inning. UAB was left scoreless again before entering the seventh with the score tied at one point apiece.

With the score tied at 1-1, the Tigers looked to add one final run, recording two early outs before singled to right field. Hanna Dorsett would halt the momentum, take a slow grounder and put UAB on the attack. A walk from Alyssa Aguilar, followed by a pinch runner change with Collett, put UAB in position to score. Collet was more likely to steal second base Bella Wiggins pinch hit for Lilly Crowedrawing a walk.

The game-deciding point came from Hannah Mileswho delivered an RBI single to right field and scored Kaily Collett and giving the Blazers the walk-off victory.


  • UAB totaled three hits, drew five walks and racked up 21 at-bats.
  • Aguilar, Droddy and Miles were the Green and Gold's three batters with hits. Miles and Crowe each finished with an RBI.
  • Caitlin Russell ended the afternoon by throwing a complete game. She has faced 28 batters and now has a record of 6-3.


The Blazers close out the series with one more game on Sunday, April 13 at noon against Memphis.


Follow @UAB_SB on Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date with UAB Softball.


You can support UAB Softball all season long by purchasing Season Tickets. Tickets are available by purchasing the 2023-24 Gold Card for $65. The 2023-24 Gold Card grants you access to all home events for women's soccer, men's soccer, volleyball, women's basketball, softball and baseball (Regions Field & Young Memorial). This card is not valid for AAC or NCAA championship events.




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