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Preview: Big 12 Championship – TCU Athletics

Preview: Big 12 Championship – TCU Athletics


FORT WORTH TCU begins play at the Big 12 Championship and is looking to solidify its bid for a 20estraight NCAA Regional berth.

The 54-hole affair runs Thursday through Saturday at The Clubs at Houston Oaks in Hockley, Texas. Teams play 18 holes of golf each day, with the top-10 individual finishers earning All-Tournament team honors after the final round.

TCU's lineup will be released Lois Lau, Sofia Barroso Sá, Kirstin Angosta, Meagan Winans And Sofia Dimitrova in Thursday's opening round. Sheridan Clancy also traveled to the Southeast and will serve as a potential replacement.

The Horned Frogs head to Hockley with their most impressive finish of the season after tying No. 8 Texas for seventh place at the Silverado Showdown April 8-10 in Napa, California. The field of 16 teams consisted of eight teams that were in the top. -35 from the leaderboard rankings. TCU shot a 19-over 833 to finish ahead of seven top-50 teams, including No. 3 UCLA, No. 16 Oregon and No. 31 Washington.

TCU has finished first or second in 14 of their last 25 conference tournaments in four different leagues (WAC, Conference USA, Mountain West and Big 12).

The course The clubs in Houston Oaks Par 71 / 7,007 yards

The tournament will be held on the country club's championship course, which opened in 2017. The par-71, 7,007-yard course hosted the women's Big 12 Championship in 2022 and was the site of Big 12 Match Play on the men's side in October.

The field

#22 UCF
#39 Baylor
#42 State of Oklahoma
#48 Kansas
#49 Iowa State
#55 Kansas State
#56 Texas Technology
#103 BYU

The grid

TCU is paired with Texas Tech for the first two rounds, kicking off at 8:35 a.m. on both days. The Horned Frogs will start on the back nine on Thursday before switching to the first tee on Friday. The final 18 holes begin with a shotgun start at 8:00 am. The starting holes are determined by the positioning on the individual rankings.

The results are provided by The final round will air live on Big 12 Now on ESPN+.

TCU at the Big 12 Championship

  • TCU makes its 12eappearance at the Big 12 Championship since joining the conference in 2012-13.
  • Under head coach Angie Ravaioli-Larkin, the Horned Frogs have posted a trio of top-three team finishes. TCU finished second in 2015 and was third in 2016 and 2023.
  • TCU has finished fifth or better at the tournament five times (2015, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023).
  • The Clubs of Houston Oaks will host the Big 12 Championship for the second time in three seasons. TCU finished fifth on the course in 2022 and placed three golfers in the top 20 of the individual standings. Then sophomore year Lois Lau tied for 19eat plus-12 (225). Lau scored an even-par 71, the lowest score of any horned frog in the final round.
  • TCU shot a three-over 292 in the first round of the 2022 Big 12 Championship, the lowest score among the Clubs at Houston Oaks.
  • The Horned Frogs' low round record in the Big 12 Championship is 288, a milestone on the program during the final 18 holes of the second-place finish at the 2015 Big 12 Championship at Dominion Country Club in San Antonio.
  • Five Horned Frogs collected a total of seven All-Big 12 team honors at the end of the tournament. Sabrina Iqbal (2019, 2022) and Caitlin Macnab (2022-2023) received the recognition twice. TCU's other All-Big 12 players are Sanna Nuutinen (2015), Emmy Martin (2017) and Greta Bruner (2019).
  • Macnab became the first Frog to be named Big 12 Freshman of the Year in 2022.
  • Sabina Pena has TCU's lowest round score at the Big 12 Championship. During the 2016 edition of the tournament, she shot a 67.
  • Sofia Barroso Sá finished in sixth place at one-over (217) and received All-Tournament team honors as a freshman at the 2023 Big 12 Championship.
  • Lau has finished top-40 in all three of her Big 12 Championship starts. She placed 24elast season, giving TCU four top-25 finishers.

Team notes

  • TCU has earned 19 consecutive NCAA Tournament berths under the leadership of Ravaioli-Larkin, who is in her 30th season as head coach. The Horned Frogs have reached the NCAA tournament in 25 of Ravaioli-Larkin's last 27 seasons.
  • TCU has won 22 tournament titles in the Ravaioli-Larkin era.
  • TCU achieved a season-high leaderboard team ranking of 58eon April 11 after the display at the Silverado Showdown.
  • TCU was the only team to place four golfers in the top 30 of the individual rankings in Napa.
  • The Horned Frogs shot a low four-over 292 over their final 18 holes in Napa.
  • TCU has achieved its low final-round score in seven of nine tournaments in 2023-2024.
  • The Horned Frogs have finished below average in six of their nine last rounds, including three of the six spring tournaments. TCU shot a five-under 283 in the final round of the MountainView Collegiate on March 17. The score was the third lowest of any team over the final 18 holes. Three weeks earlier, the Horned Frogs shot a three-under 285 over the final 18 holes of The Chevron Collegiate on Feb. 27. TCU started the spring with a two-under 286 on the final day of the Puerto Rico Classic on Feb. 6. .
  • The Horned Frogs have finished in the top 10 six times in the 2023-2024 season.
  • TCU broke its program record for low round vs. par on the final day of the Jim West Invitational on Oct. 23, with a 17-under 271 at Kissing Tree Golf Club.
  • TCU has the youngest roster in the Big 12 with just one senior and six underclassmen players.
  • The Horned Frogs posted their best finish of the season at The Show at Spanish Trail CC on March 4-5 in Las Vegas. TCU finished in sixth place (plus-18, 882) and ahead of then-No. 31 Houston and No. 38 Tulsa. The course is one of six NCAA regional sites.
  • TCU finished fifth at The Show with plus-9 (585) through 36 holes. The Horned Frogs scored an even par 288 in the second round.
  • TCU rose from 13th to seventh during the final two rounds of the Puerto Rico Classic.

Individual notes

  • Lois Lau is TCU's highest-ranked player. She is competing in the Big 12 Championship 69ein the individual leaderboard rankings. Lau, TCU's lone senior, earned a career-high ranking of 55eon March 5.
  • Lau has placed in the top-30 in all nine TCU tournaments in 2023-2024. She didn't finish worse than 27eand achieved three top-10 finishes.
  • Lau came second on The Show, scoring a four-under 212.
  • Lau placed third and seventh at the Jim West Invitational and Schooner Fall Classic, respectively.
  • Lau is TCU's all-time leader in career birdies with 378. She carded 12 on The Show, becoming TCU's school record holder.
  • Lau has competed in 42 team leadership tournaments during her time at TCU.
  • Lau has seven top-10 finishes during her four-season run in Fort Worth.
  • Lau finished below par in all but two events in 2023-2024. Her combined total score in 2023-2024 is 28 under.
  • Lau was at or under par in 20 of 27 rounds this season.
  • Lau has an all-time record of 554-137-34 against Division I players.
  • Lau, Angosta and Barroso Sá all have an even or below average scoring average. Lau leads the way with 70.5, while Angosta and Barroso Sá have an average of 71.8 and 71.9 respectively.
  • Barroso Sá carded six straight birdies during the final round of the Silverado Showdown on her way to a two-under 70. She finished in a tie for 23rd.rdat plus-four (220) and was the Frogs' top finisher.
  • Barroso Sá won the Barbara Nicklaus Cup individual title as a freshman in 2022-2023. She became the first Horned Frog freshman to win a tournament in five seasons.
  • Barroso Sá ranked second on the team last season in par-4 scoring (4.08), par-5 scoring (4.97) and pars per round (11.34).
  • Barroso Sá has scored 177 birdies over two seasons in Fort Worth.
  • Barroso Sá will make her 22NLconsecutive starts in Napa. She is one of two Frogs, alongside Lau, to have competed in every tournament over the past two seasons.
  • Barroso Sá advanced to individual play at the 2023 NCAA Individual Championships, finishing tied for 37th behind a 2-over 290 over 72 holes.
  • Kirstin Angosta She finished in sixth place at The Chevron Collegiate, posting a career-best score in a career-low 54 holes at 9-under 207. She was the highest-ranked freshman and top finisher of all Big 12 players.
  • Angosta is tied with Lau for the team lead in birdies with 48 this spring.
  • Angosta prepped for nearby Coppell HS.
  • Meagan Winans transferred to TCU from Oklahoma in July. She was selected as a 2020 AJGA All-American out of Plano East HS and became the fourth-best prep player in Texas in the class of 2021.
  • Winans posted a TCU-best low round score of minus-5 (67) in the final round of the Jim West Invitational.
  • Winans is one of three players to start every tournament for TCU in 2023-2024, joining Lau and Barroso Sa.
  • Sofia Dimitrova has been competing for the Czech Republic national team since 2017.
  • Dimitrova started all four of TCU's fall tournaments.
  • Dimitrova recorded career-best scores at the Sam Golden Invitational on September 11-12, 2023, in her first collegiate start. She fired a five-under 67 and a career-high seven birdies in the final round. Dimitrova shot a one-under 215 for the tournament.




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