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With the help of animation, AI and a scent artist, Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion brings rarely seen pieces to life

With the help of animation, AI and a scent artist, Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion brings rarely seen pieces to life


Arriving at the exhibition, visitors will first discover a Brancusi bronze placed in dialogue with Sleeping Beauty Worth. A contemporary garment that the Worth dress helped inspire from a piece by Alessandro Michele for Gucci will be on display nearby. Visitors will progress through a space filled with plants on painted silk, a Chinese technique imitated by Europeans in the 18th century and updated by Mary Katrantzou, whose garment is located nearby. A small room that follows will be devoted to chain printing, a technique with a beautiful blurred effect on the patterns and images, taken up by a lenticular hologram.

From there, Bolton said, rushing into the museum one morning, rushing with increasing enthusiasm, the exhibit blossomed into its naturalistic themes. A room dedicated to touch presents a Miss Dior dress created by Raf Simons in 2013, with a touchable model. Next comes the Van Gogh room, centered on a Saint Laurent jacket inspired by the artist's painting of iris, placed in dialogue with Rodarte's dress inspired by Van Gogh's sunflowers, and the poppy room, centered on the poppy dress bleeding by Isaac Mizrahi, inspired by the work. by Irving Penn. Poppies lead to embroidered daisies on an intricate 18th-century French court costume; daisies lead to Spitalfields silks, presented with a projection of the original botanical watercolors on which they were modeled; the Spitalfields lead to tulips, roses and what Bolton calls a garden room.

And so on, through Chinese silk dresses yellow as the sun; a surprisingly wide selection of beetle-related fashion, including Schiaparelli's first plastic collars; and a snake-style room, animated with terrifying videos. As Bolton elaborates on the immersive world of cutting-edge technology he is building to recover the lost experiences of the past, he seems less impressed by the ambitious scale of the exhibition than by the possibilities for future work it has opened up. It's a very humbling sight to work on, he said. It makes you realize how small you are.

In this story: hair, Guido; hair colorist, @lenaott; makeup, Dame Pat McGrath; manicurist, Jin Soon Choi; tailor, Carol Ai.




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