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Controlled funding for US cricket ahead of the Home T20 World Cup

Controlled funding for US cricket ahead of the Home T20 World Cup


USA Cricket avoided calls for a suspension but its funding is being 'monitored' by the sport's governing body, according to sources, amid ongoing unrest ahead of the co-hosting of the T20 World Cup in June.

Last month's quarterly meetings of the International Cricket Council discussed the ongoing saga in American cricket and provided an update on the T20 World Cup, sources present told me.

Familiar warfare has rocked USA Cricket with a wave of layoffs, while CEO Dr. Noor Murad was terminated last month. USA Cricket announced last week that it had started looking for Murad's replacement.

There were calls from several ICC board directors for USA Cricket to be suspended, with one even asking for expulsion, according to sources.

But with a historic T20 World Cup on the horizon – with matches to be played in New York, Dallas and Lauderhill – USA Cricket has survived, but its funding is controlled by the ICC, which makes payments on its behalf (using the US share of the ICC's money).

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The ICC declined to comment.

It marks a return to the chaotic American cricket scene after former governing body USA Cricket Association was expelled in 2017, capping a turbulent period marked by three suspensions.

The newly formed USA Cricket had gotten off to a promising start under the high-profile leadership of long-time San Francisco 49ers senior administrator Paraag Marathe and former ICC chief operating officer Iain Higgins. But both left under controversial circumstances in recent years and unrest has since arisen.

It comes at a crucial time ahead of the US co-hosting the biggest cricket event of the year. But USA Cricket has played a limited role in the organization and promotion of the T20 World Cup. This is almost unprecedented for a host country, but is seen as necessary given the circumstances.

T20 Incorporated, the US-based entity to organize the event, is said to have kept USA Cricket informed of matters relating to the event. T20 Inc. is under pressure because a modular cricket stadium in New York is still under construction ahead of the World Cup that starts on June 1.

According to sources, the 34,000-seat Nassau County Stadium in Eisenhower Park, 30 miles east of Manhattan, is expected to cost $30 million.

USA Cricket's turbulence has raised eyebrows among senior executives from other countries, some of whom have long cried foul over the 'preferential treatment' accorded to the US, which is considered a target market by the ICC.

According to the ICC, 50 million cricket fans are already entrenched in the world's largest sports market, while the US boasts growing South Asian communities.

“What kind of growth can cricket really have in the US grassroots and proper development considering the governing body (USA Cricket) is such a mess?” an ICC director told me.

USA Cricket hopes a new CEO can stabilize the situation. The board is launching this search for a dynamic and experienced leader to drive forward the next chapter of our organization, said US Cricket Chairman Venu Pisike. “The candidates' experience and expertise in this area will be key to fulfilling this incredibly important role at a crucial time for us.

The T20 World Cup kicks off with a clash between the US and Canada – cricket's oldest rivalry – on June 1 in Dallas.




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