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Josh Baker dies aged 20 as cricket communities in Australia and England mourn a rising star

Josh Baker dies aged 20 as cricket communities in Australia and England mourn a rising star


The cricket world is mourning the shocking death of 20-year-old spinner Josh Baker during a County Cricket reserve match in England.

Baker played for Worcestershire's second XI team against Somerset this week and took three wickets on day three.

But he didn't show up the next morning for the fourth and final day.

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The match, which resumed without Baker, was abandoned at lunchtime after he was found dead.

Heartbroken Worcestershire officials announced the immense loss at 4pm local time.

The news of Josh's passing has devastated us all, said CEO and former England spinner Ashley Giles.

Josh was much more than a teammate; he was an integral part of our cricketing family. We will all miss him terribly. All our love and prayers go out to Josh's family and friends.

Worcestershire has not released a cause of death.

Baker, who was just two weeks away from celebrating his 21st birthday, had spent the summer in Australia playing for Northern Districts in NSW.

Josh Baker was a rising star at Worcestershire. Credit: Then Mullan/Getty Images

The club is extremely saddened to hear of the tragic passing of Josh Baker, ND's first grade player number 473, and more importantly, a great friend to so many of the playing group and the wider club, Northern Districts said.

Josh had a charismatic personality, was generous with his time and formed close bonds with everyone he interacted with.

We extend our condolences to his parents Lisa and Paul, his family and friends and also to everyone at Worcestershire CCC at this difficult time.

I love you Bakken.

Baker had quickly risen through the ranks and made his first-class debut for Worcestershire in 2021.

In his ninth match he was sought out by England captain Ben Stokes, who had scored a quick century against Worcestershire, for a supportive text message.

(Don't) let today determine the rest of your season. You have serious potential and think you will go a long way, Stokes wrote.

Worcestershire described Baker as a popular figure who was more than just his skills as a spin bowler.

It was his lively spirit and infectious enthusiasm that endeared him to everyone he met, the club wrote.

His warmth, friendliness and professionalism were remarkable, making him a true asset to his family and a beloved member of our team.

Baker played for the England junior teams. Credit: Michael Steele/ICC via Getty Images

Worcestershire pledged to support Baker's family, friends and teammates.

We are united in our grief and determined to honor his memory in a manner befitting the remarkable person he was, the club wrote.

Plans to pay tribute to Josh will be made in consultation with his family and will remain private at this time.

Baker's local club Kenilworth Wardens were shocked and devastated when they heard the news.

Josh joined our club in 2021. Since then we have shared many happy times together, both on and off the field, and we hoped to share many more, Kenilworth wrote.

We send all our love to Paul, Lisa and family.

Pakistan international Usama Mir, a teammate in the T20 Blast, wrote: So sad and angry to hear the news of Josh's passing. He was one of the nicest people you could meet. And a brilliant cricketer. Really devastated to hear this news.

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