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Cricket World Cup: New Zealand Cricket has confidence in safety protocols as potential terror threat overshadows the tournament

Cricket World Cup: New Zealand Cricket has confidence in safety protocols as potential terror threat overshadows the tournament


A general view of the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba, Trinidad and Tobago. Photo/Getty Images

New Zealand Cricket has full confidence in the safety protocols put in place for this year's Twenty20 World Cup in the West Indies and the US, following a possible terror threat in Trinidad and Tobago, where three of the four Black Caps pool matches will take place.

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley confirmed to local media that security forces in the West Indies were monitoring a possible terror threat to the tournament, which starts on June 2.

NZC is confident that the safety of the teams, players and public is the first priority for the ICC and CWI, and that comprehensive plans are in place to assess and mitigate risks, a spokesperson told the Herald.

Our security staff and consultants continue to liaise with the ICC to ensure we are aware of the latest developments and advice.

New Zealand will play group matches against the West Indies, Uganda and Papua New Guinea at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba, Trinidad and Tobago, while they open the tournament against Afghanistan in Guyana.

Unfortunately, the threat of terrorism in its many and varied forms is an ever-present danger in the 21st century world, Rowley told the newspaper. Trinidad Daily Express. It is against this background that all countries, such as our region, when organizing large or vulnerable gatherings, make an extra effort in terms of national security preparations and response readiness to take all threats, explicit or implicit, seriously.

Given that bad actors can choose to misbehave in any way, it becomes virtually impossible to completely eliminate all opportunities.

However, to mitigate these dangers, we have remained alert to many threats at local and regional levels and our intelligence and other security services have worked individually or together to protect populations in countries and locations throughout the tournament.

The ICC and Cricket West Indies have issued a joint statement saying a robust security plan has been put in place for the World Cup.

We work closely with authorities in host countries and cities, and continuously monitor and evaluate the global landscape to ensure appropriate plans are in place to mitigate the risks identified for our event, the statement said. We would like to assure all stakeholders that the safety and security of everyone at the ICC Men's T20 World Cup is our top priority and that we have a comprehensive and robust security plan in place.




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