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Recruiting reset: Jeremiah Beasley ends up at Mizzou after all

Recruiting reset: Jeremiah Beasley ends up at Mizzou after all


Jeremiah Beasley is a very unique type of transfer, as in a guy who transferred from a school that never even had fall practices.

Mizzou was a finalist for Beasley's services last year, but lost to the eventual National Champions Michigan Glutton in June 2023. Beasley was an early enroller in Ann Arbor and arrived on campus in December, but when Jim Harbaugh transferred Chargers On January 23, Beasley decided the new staff wasn't for him and looked elsewhere.

And wouldn't you know it? That little school in Columbia, MO, had kept in constant contact with him and was back in his ear as soon as he was in the transfer portal. Funny how things work out, huh?

Where it fits: Beasley played running back and linebacker in high school and most of his tape is declining. He's a decent running back and has a good knack for evading tacklers, absorbing hits and being much faster than everyone else, but for now he's being brought in as a linebacker, so we'll have to focus on that.

As a linebacker he shows really good instincts. You can see his head constantly moving as he reads the play and (of course) his highlights show a man making the right reads, closing at the right time and eliminating the attacking threat quickly and accurately. In particular, I think there are four or five highlights where he reads a screen pass and absolutely pushes the receiver into the backfield.

In addition to a good nose for screens, he has a consistent ability to weave through blocks when sent on a blitz and bend well when rushing from the outside. There wasn't much film on his pass defense, but he showed a good ability to play his zone and crash on the ball when the pass was released. At a supposed 61.230 he moves extremely quickly, but I would have liked to see a few more shots of him absorbing blocks and making the tackle through contact.

When hell plays: I'm assuming the presence of Chuck Hicks, Corey Flagg and Triston Newson makes playing time a slim possibility for a freshman, especially with prized freshman linebackers Brian Huff and Nick Rodriguez coming on board at the same time. But the child has talent and speed, and last year's linebackers were sent on blitzes (which requires speed) by the ton. If the speed and disruption he showed in high school translates to college, I can see a scenario where he is used as a situational player, or perhaps as the third/fourth man on the depth chart.

What it all means: We like blue chip recruits from outside Mizzous' natural recruiting footprint and Beasley is another guy who fits that bill. The fact that he's also a recruit to a position group that desperately needs reinforcements is another plus. And it only increases the importance of the transfer portal – even if you miss someone coming out of high school, that doesn't mean you can get them back through the portal. Secure another win for Eli Drinkwitz and Transfer U Mizzou.




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