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What a Michigan Football Hall of Fame could look like

What a Michigan Football Hall of Fame could look like


The Block M is a global brand that has enjoyed success for more than a century, both on and off the football field. While some mantras and traditions are set in stone throughout Ann Arbor football's illustrious history, there is no way players will be formally recognized for their achievements as members of the Michigan Wolverines.

The team, the team, the team is excellent and should be the main focus on the field for players and coaches. But after achievements like Team 145 winning the National Championship, players deserve to be more than a memory at The Big House and its surrounding facilities.

Last week, Maize n Brew published a piece about potential player statues outside Michigan Stadium. It would be nice to have something like that, but it feels like it's something so far outside the realm of possibility, despite how great it would be.

As we move closer to the NIL era of college sports, however, it feels like honoring players is becoming more and more common, even in the most historic stadiums and facilities. Some people in the comments on the above story recommended a ring of honor on the facade of the Big House. It's something that has been done in other historic stadiums at both the collegiate and NFL levels, so it would probably make a little more sense.

However, I would like to propose a slightly more modified idea that is more common in the NFL: the Michigan Football Hall of Fame.

The athletic department has something similar to the Hall of Honor. According to their website:

The University of Michigan Hall of Honor was established in 1978 to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the tradition of Wolverine athletics as athletes, coaches and administrators, thereby enhancing the image and reputation of the University of Michigan.

Those inducted into the Hall of Honor have earned All-America recognition in a team or individual sport or, as an individual, set an NCAA, American or world record; won an NCAA title, or made significant contributions to the Michigan Athletic Department as a coach or administrator.

However, the structure for this idea would only surround the football program and be largely stolen from it the Green Bay Packers. They have a Hall of Fame that is a separate entity from the football franchise, a museum that opened in 2015 in the Lambeau Field atrium, but its original date dates back to the 1960s.

Here's how it would work. The NIL program and Michigan partners would spearhead the launch of this project and museum just outside the Big House, where the M Den usually pitches its tents on gameday, and will certainly need some additional space beyond that.

Exhibits inside can highlight the eras of Michigan Football and highlight key moments, Big Ten Championships, players, equipment, memorabilia and more. There would be room for every major time frame in the team's history:

  • The very first Michigan Football game in 1870, teaching Notre Dame football, its rivalry with Chicago and the founding of The Victors, the 1902 Rose Bowl
  • The Fielding Yost Era, the Point-a-Minute Teams, the Independent Years, and the Impact of World War I
  • The 1930s and 1940s: Michigan joins the Big Ten, the Harry Kipke era, Michigan's first Heisman Trophy winner (Tom Herman)
  • Fritz Crisler's National Championship enters the Bennie Oosterbaan era
  • The years of Bo Schembechler, all his mottos, winning the first Rose Bowl since 1965 over Washington, Anthony Carter and Jim Harbaugh's intro
  • Desmond Howard wins Michigan's second Heisman Trophy, a mention of Elvis Grabac, heading into the Lloyd Carr era, and Charles Woodson's intro
  • Leading up to the 1997 National Championship, the Chad Henne/Mike Hart ran along with the 2006 Ohio State/Michigan meet as the top two teams in the country
  • Finally, the early 2000s to today highlights of Denard Robinson, Jabrill Peppers, the Revenge Tour, Aidan Hutchinson, Blake Corum, JJ McCarthy and Jim Harbaugh leading the Wolverines to a national championship.

(These are all short summaries, obviously there would be many more players and moments in each exhibition)

Following the exhibits would be the Victors Valliant Wall, which would feature every Michigan football player and coach winning a national championship on corn stickers, similar to what is on the back of Michigan helmets today.

Next, the Hall of Heismans, a room specifically dedicated to Tom Harmon, Desmond Howard and Charles Woodson. In it would be a wall that continually played highlights of the three and replicas of their Heisman trophies would be on display (if they weren't donated by the players). There would be statues of each player in the room for photos for fans and attendees.

Next would be the Chamber of Conquerors, with the various All-Americans and award winners beyond the Heisman winners, along with a statue of Blake Corum in the center of the room.

Last but not least, the Hall of Fame: A list of every Michigan player, announcer and coach inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame or player inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. As part of high-end NIL packages, members of the museum and players in the audience voted each year on a class to induct.

Of course, it would cap off with a gift shop and an area where fans can purchase merchandise indoors for gameday events at the Crisler Center or the Big House. All museum-specific proceeds would go to the NIL football program, while some would go to other sports. Gameday and Michigan specific items would go to the M Den and thus to the athletic department.

NIL programs in Michigan could also host special events, book signings, special exhibits, speakers and more at the facilities for even more revenue for the NIL.




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