Carlos Alcaraz: I want to sit at the same table as the big three. Spaniard charts path to greatness ahead of Wimbledon
Wimbledon, London
For Carlos Alcarazage is just a number.
The Spanish tennis prodigy is no stranger to defying logic, expectations and time to rewrite the history books.
At 19, the youngest year-end No. 1 in men's tennis history. The youngest male player to win three Grand Slams on three different surfaces: the 2022 US Open, 2023 Wimbledon and the 2024 French Open at 21.
Achievements that are already tattooed on his skin.
As he prepares to defend his Wimbledon title, the boy born to be world No. 1 is determined to fulfil bigger ambitions.
I want to be one of the best in history. That's how big my dream is, Alcaraz said CNN Sports at a Babolat event, the official partner and equipment supplier of Wimbledon, prior to the tournament.
I want to sit [at] the same table as the Big Three [Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer]legends of our sports.
Considering the rate at which Alcaraz is racking up Grand Slam titles, you'd be willing to bet he won't reach the top of the game.
But was he surprised by the speed with which he has risen within the tennis world?
Sometimes he smiles. Honestly, [though]I don't think about it too much. I just live in the moment, live in the present.
When I look back, [of course] I've achieved great things so far, but it's something I don't want to think about and I want to keep going.
The Alcaraz team, led by Juan Carlos Ferrero, former world number 1 and 2003 French Open winner, has instilled a mentality that emphasizes the importance of perseverance and hard work and a culture of effort, like his physiotherapist Juanjo Moreno told CNN in 2022.
In addition to the culture of excellence that has been built around him, the Spanish star has also drawn inspiration from his compatriots: a long line of Spanish men and women who have achieved Grand Slam success.
Take Roland Garros for example.
Nadal leads the way with a record 14 titles at the tournament, while the aforementioned Ferrero, Albert Costa, Carlos Moy, Sergi Bruguera and Garbie Muguruza have all been champions since 1993.
Alcaraz is now the leader of a new generation of Spanish talent determined to build on the legacy of his predecessors.
But to what does he owe this success?
In Spain we have many players to practice, many places, great players, we eat well, the weather, he laughs.
I am really proud of the country that I am [from] and I think that's something super great for Spain, for Spanish sport and of course for myself.
Alcaraz begins the defense of his Wimbledon title against Estonian Mark Lajal on Monday.
In addition to his ambition to win back-to-back titles on the grass courts of SW19, the 21-year-old also has the chance to do what only five male players in the Open Era have managed: win the French Open and Wimbledon in the same season.
Of course it is even more special when we… [back] as defending champion, he says.
I try not to think about the pressure I have to defend the points [that I] wants to go far.
I just want to get better every day, do my best in every match and give 100%.
I think the difference [with] last year I'm a bit more mature and I know how to play on grass. I have more experience playing on this surface.
Alcaraz goes into the tournament as joint favorite, along with current world number 1 Jannik Sinner, to take the men's title. The duo is scheduled to meet in a potential blockbuster semi final match.
And if the stars align, we could well see a repeat of last year's exciting five-setter between Alcaraz and Djokovic.
The 37-year-old Serb arrives at Wimbledon having recently undergone knee surgery after tearing the thermaniscus in his right knee during his fourth-round match against Francisco Cerndolo at last month's French Open.
If Djokovic were to equal Roger Federer's record of eight Wimbledon titles, he would become the oldest champion of the modern era.
However, Alcaraz is completely focused on doing what he has to do.
For me it doesn't matter who I'm going to play against, he explains. Of course everyone wants to see Jannik [Sinner] against me in the semi-final or Jannik or I play a final against Novak.
I think everyone is waiting for that moment, but it is a very long process, a very long term. Let's see if I get into this position.
Sunday July 14 could mark a momentous day in the Spanish sporting calendar.
Not only could we see Alcaraz represent his country in a second consecutive men's singles final at Wimbledon, but his compatriots could also battle it out for the Euro 2024 title in the final in Berlin.
It would be the crowning achievement of an exceptionally successful month and a half for the Spaniard in both sporting circles.
Alcaraz's football summer got off to a great start when his club Real Madrid won their 15th European Cup with a 2-0 victory over Borussia Dortmund.
That was followed just over a week later with a maiden French Open title on the clay courts of Paris and shortly after that confirmation that the young star will join forces with Nadal in a dream doubles partnership at the Paris Olympics this month.
It was a very good month for me, he laughs.
As a Real Madrid fan I watched in Paris [during the French Open]. That run at Roland Garros was incredible for me. Really happy for me. A dream come true.
I am really very happy with everything I am living now.
[So] it could be great. The same day I played in a final in Wimbledon, Spain, a Euro final. It could be a great moment for Spain, for our country.
I have confidence in the Spanish national team and I believe in it [in] Me, too.
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