8 D/STs to start or sit
Halloween is just around the corner, and for many in the fantasy football community, 2024 has been more of a trick than a treat. After knocking Christian McCaffreys Fantasy managers were given floss instead of candy. The Cowboys pencils distributed. Many wouldn't even spend money on the fun sweets.
Fantasy managers are scared this time of year. With so much volatility from week to week, putting together the right lineup could be one of the best when choosing the winning lottery numbers. These crucial starting or sitting decisions could catapult your roster into a playoff berth or cause you to delete the fantasy app sooner than usual.
While you debate the quarterback, running back, wide receiver and tight end spots with countless options, there are only 32 D/ST to choose from each week. The Steelers And 49ers take a week off, bringing the number to 30, before taking into account the players already unavailable in your league. If you play your cards right, picking the right D/ST can win the week.
Here are four D/ST units that can deliver a full-size chocolate bar and four D/ST units that won't end up in the snack bowl Week 9.
NFL POWER RANKINGS:NFL Power Rankings Week 9: NFC East Ranks Commanders and Eagles in Top 10, But How High?
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Fantasy football starts them: week 9 D/STs
Kansas City Chiefs (vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
Most of the attention will be on the Kansas City offense, but the defense deserves some love as well. They're not dominant for fantasy purposes and score around league average, but a matchup with Tampa Bay gets them off to a worthy start. The Buccaneers come into the week quite thin at receiver after the loss of Chris Godwin And Mike Evans. The Chiefs traded for pass rusher Josh Uche this week and already boasting game wrecker Chris Jones as part of a terrifying front. Mayfield's Bakery The number of interceptions has increased lately, with at least two thrown in the last three games. Kansas City should be able to force some turnovers against this messed up Tampa unit.
Washington commanders (bee New York Giants)
Dan Quinn's first season in the nation's capital was a huge success. His mark on Washington's defense is already evident, with the unit taking a big leap after struggling through the first few weeks. That includes the Giants, who shut out the Commanders in a field goal celebration. Washington continued to hold Big Blue under 20 points in Week 2, something they have done in four of the past five games. While Quinn's work isn't done yet, his unit should have no problem with an anemic attack in New York led by… Daniel Jones.
Buffalo Bills (vs. Miami Dolphins)
Dolphin fans will hold their breath Tua Tagovailoa takes another crack at the Bills. The quarterback has a 1-7 record against Buffalo in a house of horrors on the road or at home. We can also take into account that Tagovailoa's concussion history plays a prominent role for the Bills, who have sidelined him from two games in the last three years with a head injury. That also applies to Week 2 of this season, in which Tagovailoa was sidelined for five weeks. Buffalo forces just under two takeaways per game and records at least one in every game. Considering the familiarity and history between these two teams, the Bills are off to one of the better starts this week.
New Orleans Saints (bee Carolina Panthers)
Be that as it may Bryce Young or Andy Daltonthe Panthers provide a great matchup for fantasy purposes this week. Carolina just acted Diontae Johnson to the Baltimore Ravensmaking their offense even worse than it already was. The Saints' fall from grace has been extreme, but there's no reason why they can't perform well against a division foe on the road.
Fantasy Football Sit 'Em: Week 9 D/STs
Green Bay Packers (vs. Detroit Lions)
While Green Bay has one of the best D/ST units in fantasy this season, a matchup against the high-scoring Lions will immediately put the Packers away. Detroit looks like perhaps the best team in the sport, leading the league with 33.4 points per game. Even though divisional matchups tend to be more competitive, fantasy managers wouldn't want to play any role in slowing this machine down.
Jets from New York (vs. Houston Texans)
The Jets' defense is a lot like how kids view mascots. They are scary at first. After all, why would a large creature be anything but terrifying? Then you suddenly find out that it's just another person under the costume, and the props are fake. The Jets unit was the winner of the costume contest for the scariest Halloween outfit. They've taken a big step back this year and the league is starting to realize that it's just your innocent neighbor helping everyone out quickly. Because Gang Green's leaky defense allows 125.8 rushing yards per game, Joe Mixon should have a field day even if the Texans are without Nico Collins And Stefon Diggs.
New York Giants (vs. Washington commanders)
Even Jayden Daniels is dealing with a rib injury, we do not want to participate in this dynamic Commanders attack. The Giants' pass rush is a concern, averaging 4.4 sacks per game, but Daniels' ability to escape could neutralize them. Kliff Kingsbury has made Washington's group a threat both in the air and on the ground. Couple that with the fewest turnovers per game in the league (0.4), and we have a recipe for keeping the G-Men on the bench.
Denver Broncos (bee Baltimore Ravens)
As the top-ranked D/ST unit in the league, it will be difficult to bench Denver in Week 9. However, if your team has another option, strongly consider it. The Ravens are a big step up in the league for a Broncos defense that has indulged in some terrible offense this season. For reference, Denver has the Panthers, Saints without Derek Carr, Chargers, Robbers, Jets, Buccaneers, Steelers And Seahawks this season. Outside of Tampa, none of these teams would be confused with a dynamic offense like the Ravens. Denver's unit is solid, but this is a good week to make them disappear if possible.
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