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Unstoppable Sinner defeats Fritz to win the first ATP Finals title

Unstoppable Sinner defeats Fritz to win the first ATP Finals title


“It's amazing,” Sinner said. “It was a great week. It's my first title in Italy, so it's very special. It was a very high level at times, I couldn't have played better, so I'm very happy.”

The 23-year-old is the first Italian ever to win the ATP Finals and is the third man, after Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic, to win the Australian Open, US Open and season-ending championship in the same year. He is also the first man to win the title without losing a set since Ivan Lendl in 1986.

Sinner had defeated Fritz in the US Open final and again in the round-robin stages in Turin, but Fritz went into the final with confidence, having knocked out Alexander Zverev in the semi-finals.

But although the American performed well, Sinner was simply too strong and wrapped up the victory with exactly the same score as their round-robin encounter in front of a raucous home crowd who cheered even louder when it was announced after the match that the ATP Finals would take place. will remain in Italy for at least another five years, until 2030.

Sinner takes his chance, Fritz misses his

Fritz had berated himself for his performance in the US Open final, when he fell behind early and his usually faithful serve was not at its best, clearly showing the nerves of a first slam final. On Sunday he started with an ace

As he had done all week, Sinner had the full, loud support of the fans at the Inalpi Arena and it was he who struck first, breaking for 4-3 in the opener, taking his third break point after Fritz had initially fought. back from 15-40.

Serving for the set, Sinner had to save a set point before finally sealing the set on his second set point to advance.

Fritz asks a question, Sinner answers in style

Fritz, who will rise to a career-high fourth on Monday, continued to serve well and kept his nose in front in the early stages of the second set.

But Sinner also looked completely at ease on serve and the pressure on Fritz was relentless. At 2-2, 30-30, Fritz put a drop shot into the net to give Sinner a break point. The American saved it with a strong serve, but when Sinner forced a second, the pressure became too much and Fritz sent a forehand over the baseline.

Sinner never looked like squandering his lead and he sealed the victory, finishing the year with 26 wins from his last 27 matches.

“Congratulations to Jannik and his team, who played an incredible, great match and great tennis. It's been a great week for me.”




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