Teen hockey player dies days after shooting on St. Louis freeway
Colin Brown was in critical condition for days after the shooting, but died from his injuries on Wednesday morning.
ST. LOUIS The high school hockey player injured in a highway shooting last weekend died of his injuries Wednesday afternoon, police said at a news conference.
Colin Brown, 16, was struck by stray gunfire Saturday evening while driving home from a hockey game on northbound Interstate 55 near Loughborough. He died Wednesday afternoon, police spokesman Mitch McCoy said at the news conference.
McCoy said Colin could make one final impact on Wednesday.
“Colin, a beloved and talented hockey player, has passed away, but not before giving the ultimate gift of life. Earlier today, Colin's organs were donated to other patients in desperate need. This donation is an example of the type young man Colin was and the kind of family he grew up in.”
Police suspect the gunfire came from the opposite direction of traffic. No arrests have been made as of Wednesday afternoon. He said the ministry continues to seek all possible information to bring the case to court.
“There are multiple agencies involved in the investigation,” McCoy said. “When something like this happens, everyone will come together to help and assist and ensure that we as a law enforcement community send a very strong message to whoever did this, that this type of disregard for human life in this situation will not be tolerated.” city or this region.”
McCoy reiterated a call for help solving the crime. The department is asking anyone with video or other evidence to call homicide detectives at 314-444-5371. Anonymous tips can be provided to CrimeStoppers at 866-371-8477. He said they have a new video that they didn't have when they called on Monday, but he didn't say what the video showed.
Brown was a hockey player for CBC High School and the Affton Americans. He was in the car with his father, Calvin Brown, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Illinois State Police.
McCoy issued the following statement on behalf of the family:
“His family has expressed their deep appreciation to law enforcement, the hockey community and those who loved Colin. They are asking for privacy at this time.”
St. Louis police continue to investigate the shooting. During a press conference on Monday, McCoy said detectives in the area were going door to door to try to obtain additional video or other evidence.
“We can't solve the crime alone, but we know there are witnesses to what happened, and we need their eyewitness accounts to help us understand what happened,” he said. “No amount of information is too small.”
McCoy said off-duty first responders were in the cars behind the Browns at the time of the shooting. They provided emergency medical care until an ambulance arrived.
“Those first responders, those off-duty first responders, came to the rescue. That gave Colin a great fighting opportunity,” McCoy said.
Mayor Tishaura Jones issued the following statement Wednesday afternoon:
The death of Colin Brown is devastating news for our entire community. We all prayed for a miracle and are now overwhelmed with sadness, grief and anger that this innocent teenager's life was taken. As the mother of a teenage son, I grieve along with all who knew and loved this young man, said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. We will never get real justice for the loss of Colin's life. But I know that the great officers of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department will continue to do everything they can to find out who is responsible for this senseless and reckless act of violence and hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Everyone who knew and loved Colin is in my prayers.
In the days since the shooting, the St. Louis hockey community has rallied around Brown and his family. More than 100 people came to the McKendree Rec Plex Tuesday evening for a prayer vigil for Colin and his family.
Colin played for O'Fallon for several years, but currently plays for the Affton Americans and CBC.
Former teammate Chase Green, who now coaches at O'Fallon, held back tears at the vigil.
When he first came to the program, he was like most of us: he was quiet. Not outgoing, but last year he came out of his shell and became a leader on the team, Green said.
The Dawg Nation Hockey Foundationa nonprofit organization that supports amateur hockey players and families in times of crisis, began raising money for the family immediately after hearing the news.
The number of people who have already reached out, shared and donated everything has been quite overwhelming, said Chad ONeil of Dawg Nation.
Proceeds from the 50-50 raffle during Saturday's Blues game at the Enterprise Center will be donated to Brown's family. Fans can purchase tickets online now through the end of the second period on Saturday.
In a tweet, the St. Louis Blues said “our hearts are broken” after learning of Brown's death, adding that his life would be celebrated during a pre-game moment before Saturday's game.
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