A first-year teacher turns millions of dollars into homework. CNN’s Martin Savidge reported. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/cnn Or visit our...
CNN’s Anderson Cooper puts “paleness haters” on RidicuList. To see more RidicuList videos, check out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_slQdU2qfs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_slQdU2qfs . source
President Obama has described the “tie” that binds him and Robert Gibbs. Gibbs ’last day as Press Secretary was celebrated on Friday. . source
In an interview with Larry King in 2009, the Libyan leader stressed that he is the head of a revolution, not a country. . source
Jordan Belfort says he feels horrible about what happened to the victims and that’s why he does the wrong work every day. More from CNN http://www.cnn.com...
At a home hearing, things heated up after Florida representative Alcee Hastings said Texas was in a “crazy state.” CNN’s Dana Bash has complained. . source
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