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Summary: Google’s marketing live announcement sets out strategic priorities

Summary: Google’s marketing live announcement sets out strategic priorities


This week, the flagship Google Marketing Live Conference will be held. At this conference, the biggest names in the advertising industry usually introduce their products. This year’s installments are being made when lawmakers and potential intruders are under pressure.

Not to mention the official introduction of ad units to TikTok’s rival YouTube shorts, the updated service in the retail media sector is a sector, while last week’s digital advertising law emphasized external tensions. Shows intensifying competition in.

Summary of Google Marketing Live announcements

Google will showcase a new shopping ad format at the conference, including the ability for retailers to showcase their products to generate 3D images using AR. This also includes the ability for merchants to successfully integrate loyalty schemes into the Google Ads format.

In addition, Google will introduce updates to the PerformanceMax campaign offering, including the possibility of enhanced A / B testing of campaign tactics on both in-app and mobile web desktop and wireless devices.

On the other hand, we also want to use insight pages to provide marketers with excellent measurement and attribution services. Google claims that these services are currently in beta and will help marketers better optimize their campaigns, including helping marketers identify why they aren’t able to reach their previously expected campaign goals. I am.

So what’s new here?

Jerry Dischler, VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, said the update aims to provide advertisers with the ability to showcase their products and services in a way that suits their needs, using automated technology. Said that.

He further elaborated on how these ambitions include the intent to enable better “account and campaign-level insights” through better prediction and prediction tools.

Dischler said: “I’ve clearly heard advertisers wanting to be more transparent, so I want to be more transparent, which means I know how machine learning works, and I know the existing ones. We have adopted local and smart shopping campaign types and are upgrading them to Performance Max. “

So are the ads coming to YouTube Shorts?

The announcement also includes updates to Google’s video actions and app campaigns. This means that advertisers using these platforms can automatically extend their campaigns to YouTube shorts starting today. YouTube has also promised advertisers that starting later this year, product feeds will be able to connect to campaign creatives to improve conversion rates.

YouTube Shorts debuted in mid-2020 and Google began experimenting with ad formats on the platform. This has been interpreted as a rival to TikTok (and arguably Google’s greatest success in the social media sector) since last year.

YouTube Shorts is currently generating over 30 billion views, four times the growth rate according to Google, and Dischler tells Digiday that this increase in usage is demanding users for a combination of long and short videos. He says it shows clearly.

“On the advertising side, we have slowly expanded and experimented. [in-stream] App ads and YouTube shorts video action campaign ads, and so far, very good … and that’s why we’re expanding them further, “Adds Dischler. “I don’t think we still know if we need a specific format that works within the scroll engagement generated within the shorts. Currently, the existing format seems to work pretty well.”

According to a report earlier this year, Google, along with Facebook owners Meta and Amazon, put more than 50% of this year’s online advertising spend in their pockets, the latter of the trio, where marketers move their advertising spend to retail. Ready to make a profit. media.

A previous Digiday study found that the growth of the Amazon Advertising business was primarily at the expense of Google. This is because much of the growth of the e-commerce giant was a direct reallocation of the budget allocated for search.

Google is keen to point out that this growth isn’t a zero-sum game, noting that its search engine brings a lot of shopping intent, a key signal that attracts advertisers’ budgets, to its own e-commerce platform. doing.

“If a pandemic tells us something, it means that all commerce is e-commerce,” Dischler told Digiday. “It means not only when you deliver the product to your home, but also when you step into a store that means searching online and buying the product in-store. Google supports it all.”

This all happens when U.S. lawmakers further threaten

As the most dominant actor in the online advertising industry, scrutiny isn’t far from Google’s gateway, and in recent years there has been a growing challenge from Australia, the European Economic Area, and its US homefront government.

Earlier this year, Google moved to dismiss the Texas AG-led antitrust proceedings. This adds to another challenge to the search business, and last week the digital advertising law was introduced by a bipartisan senator group, and its legal misery.

The proposed law aims to prevent the largest Internet advertising companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon from further dominating the online advertising industry “by eliminating conflicts of interest” in their business operations.

All of this comes when Google is preparing to pull the industry away from third-party cookies. This is a toolset that has been the lifeblood of the online advertising industry since its inception until the end of 2023. Such a move from Google?

After all, a one-sided approach (or one that is perceived as such) can endanger many companies in the broader digital market business, resulting in more pressure from legislators. It may increase. This question was asked last week at the stage of the LUMA Partners Digital Media Summit to Sean Downey, Americas at Google, Google’s platform vp. He was uncommitted.

“It’s always about first principles, we have to solve for both [user privacy and competition]”He replied,” Can I have a strong privacy code that creates a safe environment and respects consumer choice? Yes or no. So everything we do The decision leads to it. ”

For Downey, this means that his advertising product team, which runs separately from the Google Chrome team that ultimately decides when to abolish third-party cookies, must invent a new status quo. ..

“So I look at it and cultivate it straight and think about how it works. How can I improve it rather than respecting privacy?” And when it comes to market , “Do you meet from a regulatory point of view?” And we are trying to make sure it helps everyone. “

So while Google doesn’t directly rule out the possibility of further delays in the abolition of third-party cookies, the team’s executives generally say they’re working hard towards the existing 2023 deadline. increase.

The Rundown: Google’s Marketing Live announcements signal strategic priorities




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