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I applied to become a NASA can too

I applied to become a NASA can too


I recently applied to become an astronaut. I would like to say that the chance of getting accepted is not zero, but sub-zero is closer to that. For the record, not many people can actually remember Sputnik being launched on October 4, 1957. They are old enough to climb to the top of the rocket. Still, I filled out the nine-page form and submitted it, even though I had no doubt that I'd wind up in a pile of cosmic mud.

However, you may have better luck. NASA is hiring. The agency will begin accepting a new class of astronauts on March 5, and will accept applications until April 2, but is considering extending the deadline to accommodate more candidates. ing. Salary is $152,258. I work at the Johnson Space Center in Houston and sometimes travel to space. But it's best to prepare for disappointment. NASA recruits a new class of astronauts about every four years, and at its peak in 2015, there were about 12,000 applicants, and this time the number was comparable. Manager April Jordan said.

Indeed, Jordan says there were some things going on in the world at the time, including the rise of Martians. The rise of the private space sector and the launch of NASA's Artemis moon program could similarly accelerate things in 2024. Not all of the 2015 claims were completely serious, and the situation is likely to remain the same today. In fact, Jordan says there are quite a few people who apply just to get rejected. Still, countless people will seriously apply, and NASA is making an extra effort in this recruitment round to be more egalitarian than ever and not fit the narrow profile of a warfighter. He emphasizes that it is now easier than ever to accept astronaut candidates.

In 1958, when the United States was recruiting its first class of seven astronauts, candidates had to meet a variety of rigorous criteria. Must have a degree in physical science or engineering. In order to fit into the small Mercury spacecraft, he is only 5 feet 11 inches tall. There were also unspoken standards. The people chosen were all white, all male, and all male family members.

These walls have been coming down for a long time, but the change has been slow. NASA has been working on space exploration for over 65 years, and to date she has flown 329 astronauts, 54 of whom were women. The number of black Americans is even smaller: only 17 have traveled to space. Still, progress is accelerating. In 2020, the space agency announced the 18 astronauts it has selected for the Artemis moon exploration mission, scheduled to begin next year. Nine of the crew members are women, 10 are people of color, three are women of color, and two are Hispanic.

Victor Glover, a naval aviator and Iraq war veteran who was selected to the 2013 astronaut class and spent six months aboard the International Space Station in 2013, said more than a decade ago that NASA says it has decided that inclusivity will be part of its core values. 2020 and 2021. He will also be the first black person to visit the moon when he and three other members of the Artemis II crew make the trip around the moon in September 2025. The mission also includes Christina Koch, the first woman assigned to the moon. [NASAs] “As a result of our decisions, we now have an astronaut office that looks a lot like America,” Glover said.

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The NASA astronaut application is in many ways like most applications, with sections for your education, work history, references, and more. Military service is included, but it is no longer the absolute standard it once was. The astronauts who go through the current selection process are not only demographically diverse, but also occupationally diverse. Firefighters and other first responders are especially valued by NASA in the 21st century. These are people who encounter dangerous situations, Jordan says. The former college athlete is also appealing for what Jordan calls team skills. Still, this application leaves no doubt about how special the talent required for the astronaut job is.

The duties of this position require a moderate to difficult amount of physical exertion, including walking, standing, heavy lifting, crouching, crawling, and exposure to inclement weather. Are you willing to do strenuous physical activity as part of your job? Read part of the form.

Astronaut candidates and astronauts live, work and train in remote, isolated, cramped or confined spaces for long periods of time, another article says. Are you willing to spend long periods of time in secluded, isolated, small, or confined spaces?

And there are issues that could invalidate many candidacies. [Astronaut] Training requires traveling long distances, and families are not always able to attend. Are you willing to take part in long-term travel or being away from home for long periods of time?

For Grover, who is married and the father of four girls, that question required a lot of thought. There are myths about work-life balance, he says. I don't use that term. This work will change your life and relationships forever. Some astronauts have spouses and children, others don't, but they still have parents and siblings and a whole life to manage.

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Perhaps the most demanding part of the review process is the in-person interview with the NASA selection committee. The NASA Selection Committee is a 10-12 person committee primarily comprised of astronauts and senior-level NASA personnel such as flight directors. One of the requirements for that conference asks the candidate to write a short one-page story on a topic of his choice. Because of this, Glover took a chance and wrote an essay titled “Girls Like Astronauts.” The selection committee didn't have to go too far into what Glover had written before realizing that the girls he wrote about were his daughters.

When I first saw the title, I was like, “Oh, what is this about?'' he says. But then I'll talk about the romance of space and aviation. It's something I'll carry with me for a while and bring home to my daughters. And it might help make them proud of me.

Grover got another chance when the board asked him about the mistakes he had made in his life and what he had learned from them. Close cockpit accidents seem like a topic to avoid for pilots hoping to make the next step up from jets to spacecraft, but Glover said he experienced one such gruesome episode during his time in the Navy. Having experienced this, I decided to tell you this. truth. The incident occurred when he was participating in an air show and taking off from the aircraft carrier USS George Washington near Japan. Most of the maneuvers the pilots performed were scripted, but Glover chose to improvise by flying the plane over water at 95 percent the speed of sound, rotating to a nose-down position, and then climbing back up again. The sky was clear except for one cloud, which was directly in his path and caused him to fly too low.

I noticed that the bubbles in the water were clearly visible, he says. He pulled the stick into his lap and he hit the bottom 32 feet above the water.

Glover returned to the carrier and apologized to the captain for what he admitted was hype, and promised that it would never happen again. The gunnery officer then invited Mr. Glover to the privacy of his office. He accepted it and cried when he was alone.

Boards aren't just looking for overachievers, Glover said. Everyone has made mistakes in life, but it's how you overcome them and what you learn about yourself that matters. That bit of candor clearly impressed the selection committee and put Grover on track to take him to the moon 18 months later.

I almost certainly won't follow. Just a few hours after submitting my application, I received a polite approval from NASA. Thank you for your interest and for applying to become an astronaut candidate. Your first application has been successfully submitted.

My success definitely stops there. Still, we live in a time where you can dream small dreams and indulge in small fantasies like I did. Space travel used to be the domain of only a certain type of personality, a certain type of human being. Happily, that has changed. We may not all be able to fly on a plane, but we can see ourselves in the people who have.




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