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Saudi technology boom, investment to promote innovation

Saudi technology boom, investment to promote innovation


ServiceNow CEO Bill McDermott praised Saudi Arabia's impressive innovation drive through its ambitious technology initiatives.

He cited Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Al-Swahas' remarks at the LEAP 24 conference, pointing to Saudi Arabia's rapid digital growth and aspirations to become the region's top digital market.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat on the sidelines of LEAP 24, McDermott praised the enthusiasm of the 230,000 young Saudis who attended the conference, saying they were all committed to developing the country's digital economy.

He attributed their motivation to the supportive environment fostered by Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and his team.

In an interview with Asharq Al Awsat, McDermott emphasized the importance of these factors in ensuring success in Saudi Arabia.

investing in saudi arabia

McDermott explained why ServiceNow is investing in Saudi Arabia, saying the country's rapidly growing market and technological innovation promise significant progress.

He also revealed that US-based technology companies have some deals in LEAP 24. One such deal is a partnership with the Garage project, which supports startups in Riyadh.

McDermott said his company aims to train young Saudis on its platform, hire graduates and expand employment opportunities.

Additionally, ServiceNow is establishing a new regional headquarters in Riyadh and plans to invest $500 million to open a data center to support growth in the Kingdom.

He shared that the company is excited to be a part of the Saudi Arabian journey.

AI revolution

McDermott believes the AI ​​revolution is as important as the launch of the iPhone. He said his company is leveraging AI to drive digital transformation in the technology and information industry's largest markets.

He explained that ServiceNow, a leading software company for digital workflow management, is currently incorporating AI into its operations for digital transformation.

McDermott said companies are at a critical moment when it comes to AI.

He revealed that ServiceNow is currently working on a combination of cloud computing, digital transformation, and modern AI.

ServiceNow's ambition

Mr. McDermott highlighted ServiceNows' presence in Saudi Arabia since 2011, including work with the Ministry of Justice to transform business processes and work with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to enhance employee services, especially as they progress during the coronavirus pandemic. He mentioned projects and collaborations within.

He highlighted partnerships with companies such as Deloitte for the digital transformation of the public sector and hinted at future projects.

Additionally, Mr. McDermott expressed his goal to make Saudi Arabia a global leader in this field by prioritizing youth development, business innovation, and AI development to improve services and user experience.

He aims to establish ServiceNow as a leading enterprise software company of the 21st century and sees Saudi Arabia as a key partner in achieving this goal, improving the lives of millions of people. We hope that you will actively embrace innovation.

Saudi Arabia: a global technology powerhouse

When asked about Saudi Arabia's role in global technology, McDermott confidently stated that Saudi Arabia is more than just a player. It will become a global technology leader.

He said this is a critical time for Saudi Arabia and strong measures are needed to boost the sector.

Many challenges exist, he continued, but the ServiceNows AI platform can simplify them.

McDermott said his company aims to streamline workflows and creatively improve the user experience.

He pointed to continuous improvements and said users are now able to interact naturally with the system and analyze complex data easily, which he said is a huge step forward.

New worries for engineers

Asked about concerns about new AIs outperforming humans, he emphasized that while AI may outperform humans in some areas, the important thing is whether it will definitely help humanity.

McDermott emphasized that the main purpose of technology is to improve human life, adding that the risk is that humans will be controlled by technology.

Humans must continue to take responsibility, McDermott asserts.

He recalled a 1966 Time magazine article that predicted computers would take away most jobs, but today there are 90 million technology jobs in the United States alone.

Additionally, he revealed that ServiceNow is working on a vast language database to improve AI responses using carefully collected data.

big step forward

In closing, McDermott said she was truly impressed by Prince Mohammed's efforts for women's rights and praised the remarkable progress made in Saudi Arabia.

This is critical for ServiceNow, where half of its staff are women, she noted.

Half of ServiceNow's leaders are already women.

McDermott emphasized that his company plans to maintain this balance, as this approach drives significant productivity.

He emphasized that workplaces that foster diversity, equity and inclusion foster success.

Saudi Arabia is better than Silicon Valley in adopting this approach, McDermott said.

Offering advice to Saudi Arabia's talent, McDermott said embracing the present is key.

He added that there are huge opportunities as AI advances rapidly.

ServiceNow provides the top platform in this field, offering jobs in the Kingdom and abroad.

McDermott invited Saudis to his company and revealed that ServiceNow is partnering with the Saudi Digital Academy to train countless young people.




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