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Fifty years since Imran Khan's golden summer and now he is languishing in prison

Fifty years since Imran Khan's golden summer and now he is languishing in prison


Imran was surely the most charismatic post-war cricketer, barring Sir Vivian Richards. He never played for Pakistan at home against England, for several reasons, but I went to interview him in Faisalabad in 1982 for his profile as one of the five Wisden cricketers of the year. I should have been selected last year, he proclaimed at the start of the interview. I could only bow my head in deference, if not agreement, because I wasn't an editor at the time. Imran always forcefully articulated the theory he had in mind, even if a week later he might say the opposite.

He had made his Test debut at the age of 18, in 1971, when he ran like a young giraffe on wobbly legs and bowled with swingers. Ten years later, he was probably turning the ball over more than anyone ever had. This was before referees had any idea what was being done to the ball and regulations were introduced to prevent it being mishandled to one side. During that Faisalabad Test, Imran threw a ball away from off stump, dropping his right arm slightly so that it moved further away from the right-hander in the first two-thirds of his flight, then he had to back up d 'one meter to blast the stumps.

His title as captain was a clue to his position as Prime Minister. The Pakistan cricket team was divided between those from Karachi who spoke Urdu and those from Lahore who spoke Punjabi. Although originally from Lahore, Imran, trained at Oxford and above battle, gave his orders in English.

Imran was sent to prison in August last year for a three-year sentence, then another ten-year rigorous imprisonment followed after a speedy trial behind closed doors. Other Test cricketers were jailed and a West Indian fast bowler was on death row never to escape. But none has been prime minister, as Imran was for four years. In Adiala, he does not appear to have been ill-treated, but when he is brought to court, the media is prohibited from taking photos or making videos.

His charisma always inspires loyalty. The political party he founded in 1996, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, was not allowed to run in the last general election and its emblem, a bat, was banned. Yet as independents, Imrans' candidates still won the most seats. The next two parties had to consolidate their MPs to prevent the PTI from forming the government.

Every Pakistani Prime Minister, military or civilian, has had his hands tied by the army and the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), so that he cannot touch the purse strings. Imran might have liked to spend more than the minimum amounts on health and secular education. Instead, his politics were shaped by his character as much as his cricket: he targeted his opponents with his bouncers, scoring runs rather than points.

Imran is said to be pragmatic enough to have had to deal with the ISI for four years after all to finally accept a deal in exchange for his release from prison. Meanwhile, he is a shaheed, a powerful word in Urdu, meaning martyr, and becoming more and more so. There's a long way to go before he runs as fast as he wanted to in the Parks.




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