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Senior Google Cloud Architect job at McDonald's in Chicago, IL

Senior Google Cloud Architect job at McDonald's in Chicago, IL


Company Profile:

McDonald's evolving growth strategy, Accelerated the Arches, puts customers and employees first and leverages competitive advantages to strengthen the brand. The company has been featured on lists such as Fortune's Most Admired Companies and Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies.

Strengthening 4D (Delivery, Digital, Drive-Thru, Development)

Our growth pillars highlight the critical role technology plays as the world's leading omnichannel restaurant brand. Technology enables organizations through digital technology to improve the experience for customers, crew, and employees every day.

Global technology opens the way

Leading the digital transformation of our business are intrapreneurs who are building industry-defining technologies using the latest innovations and platforms such as AI and edge computing to unlock the next cutting-edge opportunity for our business. It is a technology organization made up of houses. At McDonald's, you'll solve innovation challenges at incredible scale and work across a global team that's always hungry for a challenge. This provides engineers with access to exciting career paths. Bonus he points if he can see his family and friends using the technology he built at his favorite girlfriend's McDonald's restaurant.

Check out our Global Technology Technical Blog to learn how technology can directly enable the acceleration of your Arches strategy.

job description:

This opportunity is part of the Global Technology Infrastructure & Operations Team (GTIO). GTIO's mission is to provide the latest relevant technology to support the way McDonald's operates. We provide best-in-class foundational technology products and services, including global networking, cloud, end-user computing, and IT service management. Our goal is always to provide our customers with an engaging, relevant and simple experience.

The Senior Google Cloud Architect will report to the Cloud Business Office Director within Global Technology Infrastructure & Operations (GTIO). The Cloud Infrastructure and Operations team is responsible for defining and executing the vision, strategy, architecture, integration, and testing of the cloud infrastructure platform. This team member will also be responsible for defining and implementing global cloud standards, observability and monitoring standards, cost management and optimization, reference architectures, and infrastructure patterns.

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced technology leader to help transform infrastructure and operational products and services for the entire McDonald's environment.

Responsibilities and responsibilities:

He will lead the definition of future-state cloud infrastructure architectures, driving convergence, standardization, and ultimately Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for cloud platforms around the world. We provide subject matter expertise on current and future plans, technology architectures, models, and cloud standards. Partner with multi-functional teams including Restaurant Hardware Solutions, Service Management Office (SMO), Network Platform Team, Restaurant Technology, and other external partners. Interpret requirements and code in a way that promotes reusability and maintainability. Apply key cloud security measures. Edge computing and edge computing in architecture design. Mentor and mentor junior technical team members (e.g., architects and engineers) to improve team performance. Provides information to maintain consistent cloud global standards and reference architectures. Stay up to date on evolving technology platforms and design patterns through market assessments. , trend analysis, vendor seminars, and professional networking. Use strong data-driven business and technical judgment to simplify complex problems into practical solutions. Identify core problems and opportunities in your business processes and understand their root causes and impacts. Qualifications:

Basic qualifications

Willingness and ability to live McDonald's values ​​every day: Service, Inclusion, Integrity, Community, and Family. His 10+ years of related work experience with a bachelor's degree or his 8+ years of related work experience with a master's degree. 7+ years of work experience Application architecture design experience. His 5+ years of experience in cloud application architecture and deployment best practices, with expertise in Google Cloud. Demonstrated experience using third-party suppliers and offshore resources to deliver solutions. Experience with CI/CD pipeline integration and test automation. deep. Knowledge of persistence architecture, scalability, performance, and tuning techniques. Possess excellent communication skills to work as a member of a team. Certification: Professional Google Cloud Architect, or desire to obtain it in her first year.

Desired qualifications

Familiarity with edge and cloud platform design patterns and deployment of edge or cloud tools and technologies. Ability to effectively influence and collaborate across product and platform teams within a global engineering organization. Experience managing infrastructure platforms that address global complexity and regional differences. Comfortable communication complex, delivering technical topics in a practical way to senior leaders. Experience with agile methodologies, automation, and tools. Continuous integration and continuous deployment tools and processes. Additional Information:

McDonald's is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of our job. Additionally, if you (or another applicant you know) need assistance accessing or reading this job posting, or would like assistance with the application process, please contact recruit.supportteam@us. Please contact us at

McDonald's provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and job applicants, and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees and job applicants, and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees and job applicants, and is committed to protecting against gender, gender stereotypes, pregnancy (including pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding), race, We prohibit discrimination and harassment of all kinds, regardless of race. skin color, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, disability status, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, protected military or veteran status, citizenship status. Status, genetic information, or other characteristics protected by federal, state, or local law. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruitment, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leave, compensation, and training.

Nothing in this job posting or description should be construed as an offer or guarantee of employment.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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