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Houston Tech Hub's ambitious new restaurant pays homage to the Old Sears Store, offering first tastes in late August

Houston Tech Hub's ambitious new restaurant pays homage to the Old Sears Store, offering first tastes in late August


Long before the internet and the convenience of having almost everything under the sun delivered straight to your door, there was the Sears Roebuck mail order catalog. This thick book, which at its peak contained more than 1,500 pages, was dropped into mailboxes in late August or early September every year. For more than 100 years, Americans in even the most remote rural towns have been able to order almost anything from its pages.

Today, one of Sears' former brick-and-mortar stores in Houston is home to Main Street Tech, which once offered a catalog of items as diverse as Kenmore appliances, Toughskins clothing for kids, and Craftsman tools. It has been renovated into the Aeon district, a center of innovation. In midtown. This is where Chef Chris Williams' long-awaited new restaurant, Late August, pays homage to the working storefront that once occupied the space.

The James Beard Award-nominated chef and founder of Lucille's Hospitality Group, whose mission is to serve the past and nourish the future, is assisted by managing partner and executive chef Sergio Hidalgo. and commit to working on that vision in late August. A member of The Original Ninfas on Navigation, his mentor worked with Alex Padilla.

Operating partner and executive chef Sergio Hidalgo will take over the kitchen in late August. (Photo provided by Rebecca Flores)

Conceptualized by Sinn Design Group, the intimate late August space harkens back to circa-1970s architecture and design (and also pays homage to the original restaurant inside the iconic Sears store). Masu). That means cushioned teal velor seating and a natural blond wood banquette with burnt orange corduroy upholstery.

The original terrazzo flooring remains throughout, including under the custom marble bar, and commissioned work from Houston artist and Hogan Brown Gallery curator Robert Hodge takes center stage.

The impressive marble-topped bar, designed by Jin Design Group, at the new restaurant at Aeon on Main Street in late August. Photo by Leonid Furmansky.

Drawing on their cultural traditions and an innate respect for the foodways that have paved the way for the culinary world and beyond, this chef duo transforms humble ingredients found in Mexico, Africa, and across the American South into haute cuisine. We are raising it to the highest level. Take, for example, the late August pea hummus ($15). It's made with a Southern classic, pureed black-eyed peas, topped with homemade chorizo ​​sausage made from rump roast and flavorful belly, and topped with fried chapulines (grasshoppers) for added crunch. , a well-balanced appetizer.

Outdoor dining at Bering's

Beside it is a warm spear of fried bread made from the same recipe that Williams' great-grandmother, Lucille B. Smith, created the Texas legend. This bread, among other things, is credited with popularizing the first commercially available boxed bread mix in America.

As we strive to create a vertical ecosystem within Lucille Hospitality Group and its philanthropic arm (a philanthropic arm launched to combat food insecurity and waste), the majority of our produce in late August will come from Lucille 1913 Culled from community gardens. A vibrant example of harnessing the bounty grown in Kendleton, Texas' farming community is the orecchiette pasta ($23). It's made with mustard and collard greens, kale, spinach, cilantro, mint, and parsley, seasoned with coconut milk, and topped with a pistachio vegan cheese quenelle over small ears of pasta.

In late August, the focus is on dishes using ingredients that are a fusion of Mexican and African culture. (Photo provided by Rebecca Flores)

The late August menu includes dishes placed in the center of the table for sharing, such as the trio of French chicken drummettes ($12), smoked, fried and topped with a crunchy mole poblano sauce. included. The crackling of toasted pepita seeds and crispy chicken skin. Whether for lunch or dinner, be sure to order the LA BBQ seafood dish, which is an assortment of seasonal seafood (on my visit, it was octopus and jumbo Gulf shrimp). This special dish is inspired by the New Orleans dish of sautéed shrimp, and is finished with a butter sauce infused with garlic-scented Worcestershire sauce on top of the aforementioned skillet ($25).

When it comes to alcohol, general manager Danny Davis has you covered. Davis happens to be a Level 3 sommelier and has created a thoughtful cocktail menu centered around bourbon and mezcal, as well as a wine list that focuses on small vineyards owned by Black, brown, and women winemakers. It features both obscure grapes and the regions in which they are grown. And for those who don't want to drink, there are some zero-proof possibilities that might make you swear off the hard stuff.

Late August is located inside Aeon, 4201 Main Street, Suite 120. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 11 AM to 9 PM, and Saturdays, 5 PM to 9 PM. The restaurant is closed on Sundays.




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