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Donald Trump's playing field is about to be 'truly leveled' Legal Analyst

Donald Trump's playing field is about to be 'truly leveled' Legal Analyst


Former President Donald Trump is about to face a “truly level playing field” as his first criminal trial begins in just days, MSNBC host and legal expert Katie Phang argued Friday.

The first of four criminal cases currently filed against Trump is scheduled to go to trial on Monday, April 15, in New York. The result of an investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the case accuses Trump of illegally falsifying business records to hide cash payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign, in exchange for his silence. an affair the two reportedly had in 2006.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and has denied that the affair with Daniels ever took place. Several last-minute efforts by the former president and his legal team to try to delay the trial's start date in recent days also proved unsuccessful.

During a Friday appearance on MSNBC host Joy Reid's The ReidOut, Phang explained why Monday's start of the trial would put Trump on the same level as any other citizen subject to a criminal trial.

Former President Donald Trump walks inside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse in New York on April 4, 2023. Trump is set to face a “truly level playing field” in his first criminal trial… Former President Donald Trump fights his way inside. at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse in New York on April 4, 2023. Trump is about to face a “truly level playing field” as his first criminal trial begins in just days, according to the host of MSNBC and legal expert Katie Phang on Friday. . More from Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images

“He does not benefit from [the title] “President Trump,” Phang said. “As we know, annoyingly, his lawyers have consistently called him 'President Trump' in legal filings and when speaking about him in court. But these are the humbling moments where he has to sit the board table, not by choice, but by law and due process, when he is referred to as “criminal defendant Donald Trump”, that the playing field is truly level, and that is when- there the responsibility comes suddenly and hard.

Phang further noted that once the trial begins, Trump will be at the mercy of how Judge Juan Merchan conducts the process, preventing him from “taking action” and forcing him to sit “humbly and quietly while the justice system does its job.” work.”

Newsweek contacted Trump's office by email for comment Saturday afternoon.

Trump, the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee, has in recent weeks seen polls begin to shift in favor of his presumptive general election opponent, President Joe Biden, with increasing pressure and visibility over his criminal cases. partly responsible. Previous polling suggested that at least one conviction on one of the roughly 90 criminal charges he faces would likely cause swing state voters to abandon him in considerable numbers.

A February Reuters/Ipsos survey found that 55% of likely voters would not support Trump in the general election if he were convicted of the criminal charges to which he has pleaded not guilty during his four criminal trials. Additionally, 58% of respondents said they would not vote for Trump if he served prison time in November.

When analyzed further, 51% of Republican voters said they would not vote for Trump if he became a convicted felon, and another 25% said they were not sure. The poll surveyed 1,237 U.S. adults nationwide between Feb. 9 and 12 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.91 percentage points.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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