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AI Provides New Tools for Threat Writers to Attack, Cybersecurity Firm Says – Tech

AI Provides New Tools for Threat Writers to Attack, Cybersecurity Firm Says – Tech


The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies in recent years has provided threat actors with sophisticated new tools to carry out attacks, cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Research said in a statement on Saturday. press.

The security company explained that one of these tools is deepfake, which includes human-generated replicas of voices or photos and videos of people. Kaspersky warned that businesses and consumers should be aware that deepfakes will likely become even more of a concern in the future.

A deepfake is a set of deep learning and fake images, videos and sounds synthesized using artificial intelligence, Kaspersky explains on its website.

The security company warned that it has discovered deepfake creation tools and services available on darknet markets that can be used for fraud, identity theft and theft of confidential data.

According to estimates by Kaspersky experts, the price per minute of a deepfake video can be purchased for as little as $300, the press release states.

According to the press release, a recent Kaspersky survey found that 51% of employees surveyed in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa said they could distinguish a deepfake from a real image. However, in one test, only 25% were able to distinguish a real image from an AI-generated image.

This puts organizations at risk as employees are often the primary targets of phishing and other social engineering attacks, the company warned.

Although the technology to create high-quality deepfakes is not yet widely available, one of the most likely use cases that will arise from it is to generate voices in real time to impersonate someone , the press release quotes Hafeez Rehman, head of the technical group at Kaspersky, as saying.

Rehman added that deepfakes not only pose a threat to businesses but also to individual users. They spread misinformation, are used for fraud purposes or to impersonate someone without consent, he said, stressing that they constitute a growing cyber threat that must be protected against.

The Global Risks Report 2024, released by the World Economic Forum in January, had warned that AI-powered disinformation was a common risk for India and Pakistan.

Deepfakes have been used in Pakistan for political purposes, including ahead of general elections.

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan, currently incarcerated in Adiala Prison, had used an AI-generated image and voice clone to address an online election rally in December, which attracted more than 1.4 million views on YouTube and attended live by tens of thousands of people.

As Pakistan drafted an AI law, digital rights activists have criticized the lack of safeguards against misinformation and to protect vulnerable communities.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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