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Relentless targeting of Prime Minister Sunak by British media

Relentless targeting of Prime Minister Sunak by British media


The British media seems to have something against the Sunaks' Indian origins.

The level of ridicule and vilification that Rishi Sunak faces has reached a crescendo. Almost every day, newspapers run headlines describing how bad things are under Sunak. Some think he was going to be replaced. But replaced by who?

A national newspaper predicts a return of Boris Johnson. Boris Johnson, who got the Conservative Party into such a dire state in the first place. The way he handled the Covid crisis, the way he showed complete disregard for the established norms of running a country. But the newspaper is obviously determined to remove Sunak, even if it is by a discredited and failed leader. The other two names proposed by the media to replace Sunak are Penny Mordaunt and Kemi Badenoch. Both pledged their loyalty to Sunak. Every other day we hear about plots to dethrone Sunak. A recent Sunday Times article claims that for Rishi Sunak, the hardest part of his job was not being there for his two daughters. This is a good example of how the media manipulates information. Sunak spoke about his domestic life and the difficulty of being there for his daughters due to work pressure.

Much to the disappointment of the cynical and manipulative media, these plots come to nothing. The fact is that there is no credible leader to replace Sunak. Sunak proved to be a shrewd politician who managed the economy well and resolved the controversial issue of the Northern Ireland Protocol. People have short memories. In September 2022, Liz Truss was elected leader of the Conservative Parliamentary Party. It only lasted 49 days. Shortest period as Prime Minister in the history of Parliament. His emergency budget presented by Chancellor Kwasi Kwateng saw the pound fall to its lowest level ever against the dollar. After Prime Minister Sunak replaced Liz Truss, he stabilized the economy and brought inflation under control. He worked to stop refugees arriving by boat, but the unelected House of Lords continually blocked the legislation from being passed. The people of the country want to end refugee migration and uncontrolled immigration, they want to control widespread crime, they want to see an end to the dystopian state of our cities. Sunak is the leader who can deliver the solutions this country needs.

In the latest attack on Sunak, opinion polls said the Sunak-led Conservative Party would win only 98 seats in the next election. The credibility of these polls is suspect. The vast majority of people have not yet decided which way they will vote.
In their attempt to turn the people against Sunak, the media are doing the country a great disservice.

When Labor takes power, what will they offer the country? With the exception of Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labor Party, no one on the Labor benches seems competent enough to handle the economy, the refugee crisis and the extremism that have engulfed the party. I have great respect for Keir. He is an honest and decent politician, but in some ways he is too much of a gentleman for the vagaries of politics.
Unfortunately, when a lie is told over and over again, people accept it as the truth. The population of the country has fallen into the trap of lies and is turning against Sunak. Although the vast majority of the British population is impartial, the media seems to have something to say about Sunak's Indian origins.

Fortunately, Sunak is a fighter who will not be intimidated. He has proven he can lead the country and challenge special interests. We must not let down a Hindu Prime Minister of Indian origin by falling into the trap of media propaganda.




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