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Expected on May 6 and 7, what is Chinese President Xi Jinping doing in France?

Expected on May 6 and 7, what is Chinese President Xi Jinping doing in France?


Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected on a state visit to France on May 6 and 7.
On the agenda for his visit: international crises, including the war in Ukraine, but also for the celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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More than two years of war in Ukraine

Xi Jinping is due to land in Paris on the evening of Sunday, May 5, for a two-day state visit, his first to Europe since the Covid-19 pandemic. “The discussions will focus on international crises, first and foremost the war in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East, trade issues, scientific, cultural and sporting cooperation as well as our common actions in the face of global issues, in particular climate emergency, the protection of biodiversity and the financial situation of the most vulnerable countries”announced the French presidency.

Lin Jian, spokesperson for Chinese diplomacy, estimated for his part that the two leaders will try to “make new contributions to world peace, stability, development and progress”.

China, “the international actor which has the most important levers to change Moscow's calculation”

During his visit to China in April 2023, Emmanuel Macron called on Xi Jinping to “bring Russia to its senses” towards Ukraine “and everyone at the negotiating table”. Shortly after, the Chinese president called his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the start of the conflict in February 2022. But the diplomatic progress expected by Paris on the Russian-Ukrainian front stopped there. “We must continue to engage China which, objectively, is the international actor with the most important levers to change Moscow’s calculations”of which it remains the main ally, says a French diplomatic source, while recognizing that we should not expect a major turning point overnight. Chinese authorities officially say they are neutral and call for a peace solution, but have never condemned the Russian invasion. Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to visit China in May.

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The Chinese president and his wife Peng Liyuan will be received on May 6 by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in Paris, where a state dinner is planned at the Élysée. On May 7, the two couples will travel to the Hautes-Pyrénées where the French head of state wants to share a more intimate moment with his counterpart.

Last year, Xi Jinping received Emmanuel Macron in Guangzhou for a tea ceremony at the governor's residence of Guangdong province, where his father, Xi Zhongxun, lived when he held the post from 1978 to 1981.

JF with AFP




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