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Gigi Levi-Weiss: “If we don't encourage the creation of as many new companies as possible,

Gigi Levi-Weiss: “If we don't encourage the creation of as many new companies as possible,


“As the world explodes with AI, we may not be able to close the gap due to the worst year we are experiencing.” – These are the words of Gigi Levy, founding partner at NFX. , decided to address concerns about the cloud currently floating on the local ecosystem and Israel's ability to integrate into the global artificial intelligence race.

Levy spoke as part of a panel on the future of AI moderated by Calcalist reporter Amir Kurtz, held as part of Calcalist's AIsrael 2024 event in partnership with Microsoft. In addition to Levy, MK Orit Farkas-Hacohen, chair of the Artificial Intelligence Committee and former Minister of Innovation, also participated in the panel discussion.

The panel also included Dr. Yonatan Geifman, co-founder and CEO of Deci AI. Dr. Aya Sofa, Vice President of AI Technology and Director of IBM Research; said his Nati Amsterdam, senior director and regional director at Nvidia Israel.

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The future of AI panels.

(Photo: Yariv Katz)

We've been hearing about the future of AI and the opportunities it brings, but there are also challenges. How does MK Orit Farkash-Hacohen see the future of AI as far as Israel is concerned?

“My concern is that the pace of AI development with what's going on in the world and the competition on this issue is exposing Israel to huge challenges, and the government isn't on top of it. This problem is not for the world.''At the government level, we have a challenge here that didn't exist before.

“If we in Israel were in a different world at the end of 2021, after a record year in high tech, we would have raised the level of challenge posed by AI breakthroughs in a relatively short period of time. All of this We intend to raise this issue in Parliament, but frankly we do not fully understand the issue.”

MK also mentioned other challenges that require the Israeli government's attention when it comes to AI. Systematically blocking content.According to the data presented to us, 60% of profiles created on social networks after October 7 are not genuine.

“Beyond that, a strong alliance has formed between Russia and Iran that has become very strong on the technological front. The AI ​​race is becoming political. , while everyone is busy talking about the ethics of AI, on the other side, this is an asymmetric war between countries that abide by the rules of war and those that don't.

MK expressed concern about the current situation, saying, “There is an assumption that Western countries are technologically superior to other countries, and that the rate of development of AI is removing many barriers to the defense industry.'' This assumption will soon crumble, and it will be easier than ever to lie and threaten each other's existence.

“I don’t want to rain on the parade,” she continued, “but I think not only are we not doing well on the parade, but I think the problem now is on a different scale. “How is Israel preparing to maintain its technological edge in the field of artificial intelligence?” World, how is Israel preparing for employment in the field of artificial intelligence? To avoid a technology embargo on Israel, the AI ​​race requires hardware, computing power, and strategic cooperation and alliances. ”

Gigi Levy-Weiss: When it comes to the tech industry, there's a chip layer, a cloud layer, application, cyber, DevOPS, and so on. Israel is not a major player in the chip world, cloud is a major thing, and we will not be a part of that. What we need to be good at is his DevOPS and applications, and we're at a very bad point there. ”

According to Levy, “2023 and the beginning of 2024 were lost years for Israel's high-tech industry. Nobody had the energy to start companies. In a normal year, 1,400 companies are started in Israel; 400 companies were founded here.''The past year has created a hole in the number of companies raising capital, but this happened in a year when AI exploded, so it's highly unlikely that the gap will ever be filled. is expensive. If we don't begin efforts to attract companies in this sector by 2024, we will pay the price for years to come. ”

Dr. Aya Sofa, you are a member of the government committee on this issue and you are very familiar with this issue from the industry side. Did I miss the boat?

“I completely agree with my predecessor, but only time will tell. The biggest opportunities are starting to emerge in the world of AI, because AI tools and DevOPS This is a world that's just getting started, and I think we're not missing the boat yet. The second thing is that the more you use something, the more you learn.Israelis are relatively nimble and know what obstacles they need to overcome. .

“In terms of barriers, what I have seen in the academy, we have some sort of problem, because in this area, in the past, Israel was quite ahead in the field of AI compared to the size of our country. There are many reasons for this, including numbers, investment, some standards, some faculty, and even infrastructure. You can't do that without thousands of GPUs (processing units). This is a topic that interests me when publishing articles. How can our researchers, members of the Israeli academy, and small and medium-sized businesses remain at the forefront of research in this field? ”

Gigi Levi-Weiss: “It comes down to money and research. It's not a cheap field. It costs tens of millions of dollars, which Israeli institutions don't have and which foreign institutions have.”

Research and impact on academia is a topic that you understand well, Dr. Gaifman. Where are we on this matter?

“Today's talent in the AI ​​field comes from the academy, and I am optimistic in this regard.Hebrew is frequently used in many major institutions in the world, and compared to the size of the industry, the talent pool in Israel is “The situation is relatively good.'' But there is a huge hunger and what we need are university professors and budgets to continue to develop at the rate we have been, and what we need next is billions of dollars in funding for Israel. I am planning to enter the country. Related to this, I am relatively optimistic about whether we can grasp the exponential growth curve of this world. ”

Will our military and Unit 8200 continue to produce AI experts?

Dr. Gaifman: “If you compare the past 10 years to the next 10 years in terms of what the military produces, there will be far more AI experts than there were in the previous 10 years. ” Pick a place and allow yourself to catch up. ”

Nati Amsterdam, how can major international companies help us in this area?

“Israel has a lot of talent, not just in academia and research. We see groups working in hospitals, we see a lot of big Israeli startups developing AI. What we're doing to support the Israeli ecosystem is investing in Israel, for example, with the ISRAEL 1 supercomputer that we announced, and since then we've been investing in Israel. We work closely with researchers to support their use of technology.

“Over the years, I've seen the growth in AI, and that's where it comes from. If you want to train a model to train a language, you need access to technical capabilities. I think One thing we can do better is integrate AI education earlier. AI is here for the long term.”

Looking to the future, how will technology impact us?

Nati Amsterdam: “We see the whole industry changing. Let me give you a few examples. Today in the medical industry, we can look at gene sequences and look for potential diseases there. It is also possible to identify medical information within medical records.'' In other areas, this is driving a revolution in the areas of personalization in retail, finance, and banking, and is changing how every industry is changing. and understand the need for AI under any system. ”

Gigi Levi-Weiss: “I am torn between optimism and pessimism. The potential of AI for Israel is unimaginable. We have the ability, the talent, etc. to act quickly. On the one hand, this makes us the best.''On the other hand, this makes us the best.''Government investment, the number of new companies, and finally how much foreign money comes in here. If you look, we've had a really bad drought in the last few quarters right now, but we need to make sure that it goes to the right places. This is everyone's responsibility, entrepreneurs and nations alike, and we could miss it if we don't come to our senses.

“At NFX, we have set up a fund called FAST. We are committed to providing funding within nine days to encourage the creation of new companies, and we are committed to providing funding within nine days to encourage the creation of new companies. We all need to think about how we can prevent this from happening. There is an opportunity here that is vital to the future of this country.”

MK Farkas-Hakohen: “This is an issue that should be at the top of the priority agenda and should be under the prime minister's attention. We are in complex times and the deeper we dig, the more this This is an important event.''This is strategic for Israel and we have to put it on the table.'' ”

Nati Amsterdam: “There is a tremendous amount of intelligence here and we need to help accelerate the activity of this industry through academia, research and the global companies that operate here.Israel We have more than 300 development centers for global companies, and we hope Nvidia will continue to do so.”




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