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“For the first time in 7-9 years, there are people on Mars'': Elon Musk envisions 1,000 spacecraft departing for the Red Planet

“For the first time in 7-9 years, there are people on Mars'': Elon Musk envisions 1,000 spacecraft departing for the Red Planet


SpaceX founder Elon Musk estimates his company will be able to land humans on Mars within the next seven to nine years. Musk said that once the ability to land on Mars is confirmed, the pace of missions to Mars will need to rapidly increase.

The first spacecraft to land on Mars will obviously be unmanned at first, but I think it will probably be within five years. And they'll probably just launch a few ships and see if they can land on Mars, Musk said.

In a conversation with Nikolaj Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management, Musk said SpaceX also plans to send a man to the moon, which will be faster than a manned mission to Mars. He said he was deaf.

At the same time, we will also do the moon. I think we will be able to return humans to the moon within five years. And within five years, unmanned ships will land on Mars. and increase production rates and improve the design of onboard boosters. So the first people to get to Mars, I think within seven years, within seven to nine years. And it needs to increase rapidly from there, he said.

Musk envisions thousands of spacecraft blasting off to Mars once it is confirmed that they can land properly, but the trip would need to be seasonal.

He explained: “A huge number of ships would need to sail. And only Earth and Mars are in the same quadrant of the solar system for about six months out of every two years. You can actually travel from Earth to Mars efficiently… , every 6 months, but if every 26 months is ideal, it's actually about 2 months.

That means every two years, we'll see a fleet leave for Mars. And I think it would be pretty epic to see thousands of ships depart for Mars all at once, like in Battlestar Galactica.

Musk also said they have all the technology to make this happen.

I think we have all the technology. We already know all the technology we need to do that (to go to Mars). All that's left to do is build. So this doesn't require new physics, he said.

Musk emphasized the importance of humanity becoming a multiplanetary species in order to maintain human consciousness.

I think that's important for consciousness in general. If we want to maximize the lifespan of consciousness, being a species that lives on multiple planets will result in our consciousness existing much longer than if we were on one planet. Masu. If we are on one planet, we are just biding our time until disaster eventually strikes. It may happen quickly or it may take a long time, but eventually something will happen. It could become a global thermonuclear war. Perhaps civilization has simply declined.

He said that human life will eventually perish on Earth, making it all the more important for humans to migrate to other planets. According to Musk, Mars could be just one of many planets that humans end up inhabiting.

Our civilization may not perish suddenly, but with a cry. It's just gradually becoming obsolete. But if we are a multi-planetary species, then there are two planets. And they can support each other, and we can go beyond the two planets and eventually reach the moons of Jupiter and beyond, to the outer parts of the solar system, and eventually to other star systems. I can. ”

“So this tiny candle of consciousness that we have in this vast darkness can expand and amplify. And if we are a multi-planetary species, it is possible that consciousness will survive.” much more sexual.




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