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IKEA launches innovative new BRNNBOLL collection

IKEA launches innovative new BRNNBOLL collection


The global gaming community now numbers 3.3 billion people and is growing rapidly, making gaming the world's largest hobby and an important part of many people's daily lives. Gaming today is a dynamic activity that spans a variety of devices and spaces in the home, and involves people of all ages and skill levels. Based on his first IKEA game series, which partnered with Republic of Gamers in 2021, BRNNBOLL is designed for casual playboys who value style and functionality and want to play together and move fluidly between different platforms and postures. Explore smart solutions for gamers.

This collection offers a wide range of furniture, storage solutions, and accessories designed to not only enhance your gaming experience, but also support everyday scenarios that go beyond gameplay. Many pieces have multiple functions and are designed to move and adapt to different spaces, allowing gamers to quickly set up immersive gaming environments and then effortlessly use them in their daily lives. You can return to your living space.

“At BRNNBOLL, we embrace the idea that gaming is for everyone and can be found anywhere in the home. We want to make it easy for people to create spaces that accommodate gaming, life, and everything in between. ” says Philip Dill, Product Design. The Swedish IKEA developer continues: We hope this collection will encourage friends and family to join in and bring joy and connection through shared gaming experiences.

Seating is at the heart of the collection, with a range of ergonomic chairs designed to support a variety of gaming positions and scenarios, some of which are a nod to earlier, infamous attempts to introduce inflatable furniture. Also includes an inflatable chair (AUD 79) built on. Additionally, the collection includes a gaming station ($399) with a folding tabletop, integrated PC tower storage, and cable management that easily converts from play area to discreet storage unit. Adding to the collection are a number of storage solutions, including a wall-mounted cabinet ($45), casters with wheels ($99), a side table ($59), and a multifunctional basket that doubles as a mobile freestanding table ($49). ). Complementing these are accessories and decorative elements, such as mouse pads ($25), rugs ($99), and throws ($25), designed to add a personal touch to your gaming space.

Rethinking the aesthetics of gaming, merging the vibrant world of sports

BRNNBOLL challenges traditional game design by moving away from typical themes and dark-toned aesthetics. Instead, the collection introduces vibrant colors and elements inspired by street sports and athleisure. This creates a unique, playful look that combines the energy and dynamism of athletic competition with the comfort and performance essential to the game. The BRNNBOLL easy chair explores how furniture can become a dynamic component of a virtual gaming experience. It sways from side to side according to the gamer's movements, physically attracting the player.

“Inspired by the way people move when playing video games, we wanted to create a chair that activates the player to enhance this interaction. This connection between the player and the game “We hope it will lead to a more engaging and immersive experience,” he says. David Wahl, Swedish IKEA designer.

The BRNNBOLL collection will be available across IKEA Australia in September 2024. For more information, visit the IKEA website or download the IKEA app.




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