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An indie game that promises adventure, a cozy atmosphere, and the mischief of a curious cat is coming to Nintendo Switch

An indie game that promises adventure, a cozy atmosphere, and the mischief of a curious cat is coming to Nintendo Switch


Presentation highlights include Little Kitty, Big City, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate, and 3D action platformer Europa

In a new Indie World presentation, Nintendo introduced a vibrant lineup of games from independent publishers and development partners coming to Nintendo Switch throughout 2024. The video revealed SteamWorld Heist II, the latest installment of the popular Thunderfuls, among many highlights. The SteamWorld franchise launches for Nintendo Switch on August 8th. In this new turn-based tactical shooter, players will lead a ragtag crew of Steambots across oceans and explore vast horizons as they battle mysterious threats that threaten the world.

The showcase also featured Little Kitty, Big City, a quirky adventure in which players control a curious kitten trying to find his way home, and was released on May 10th for Nintendo Switch. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate, a roguelike adventure in which the lewd Turtles travel through reality-warping portals to rescue their kidnapped masters, will be released this July. Sticky Business, a cozy business simulation where players can design and sell their own stickers, is currently available along with Plan With Me's paid DLC. Cat Quest III is the latest installment in the adorable action-RPG series, taking players on a voyage across the Privians in search of mythical treasure. Released on August 8th. and Europa, a 3D action-adventure where players explore the ruins of a fallen utopia and learn the story of the last surviving humans, will be released in 2024.

To watch the entire Indie World video, check out the video below.

See below for more information on featured games.

SteamWorld Heist II by Thunderful: Prepare for an epic adventure on the high seas with SteamWorld Heist II, the sequel to the acclaimed SteamWorld Heist. All is not well with the waves of Steamworld, and the water has become corrosive, eating away at the metal bodies of its robotic inhabitants. As the captain of a ragtag crew of Steambots, you lead intense turn-based gunfights where bullets ricochet with deadly precision. This time, there's a world map to explore and features real-time naval battles with enemy ships. Also new in this sequel is a job system with detailed customization options for your character and a combination of over 150 weapons, utility items, and ship equipment to best suit the mission at hand. Organize your crew strategically. Jump into the adventure when SteamWorld Heist II launches for Nintendo Switch on August 8th.

Little Kitty, Big City by Double Dagger Studio: A peaceful nap turns into a whimsical journey as you take on the role of a curious kitten who goes on an adorable adventure to find her way home. There are many things to do along the way. Explore a vibrant city, complete quests, help other animals in furry situations, and make friends with talkative stray dogs. You can also don over 40 fun hats while having fun in a bite-sized open world playground full of surprises. Little Kitty, Big City will be released on Nintendo Switch on May 10th. Pre-orders are currently being accepted on the Nintendo eShop.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Divided Fates from Super Evil Megacorp: The heroic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles must fend off the Foot Clan and rescue their kidnapped master Splinter in their first ever roguelike adventure travel through portals that warp reality. All levels can vary with randomized power-ups, room layouts, and boss modifier changes. Permanently upgrade and enhance your Turtle's powers by spending in-game currency on ability-enhancing artifacts, and use your improved skills to take on more difficult runs. Explore New York City's iconic locations solo or jump online* in drop-in/drop-out co-op with up to three other players. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is coming to Nintendo Switch as a timed console exclusive this July.

In Sticky Business: A Cozy Business Simulation by Spellgarden Games and Assemble Entertainment, you run a sticker shop where you create and ship stickers to customers. Choose from over 400 design elements and get upgrades with even more optional effect foils. Learn more about each customer's life as you fulfill their unique requests. In addition, Plan With Me's paid DLC adds 10 customer stories centered around diary themes and over 100 sticker elements. Start your own sticker shop with Sticky Business. Both the game and DLC** are available now as timed console exclusives on Nintendo Switch. Bundles containing the game and DLC are also available.

The Gentlebros and Kepler Interactive's Cat Quest III: In the cute, casual action RPG Cat Quest III, you play as an intrepid cat privateer on a Privian mission in search of the North Star, a long-lost mythical treasure. Sailing the issue. But please be careful! The sea is swarming with pirates who have been ordered by the Pirate King to hunt you. Explore gorgeous new worlds solo or in local co-op, and engage in intense combat with a new and refined combat system (featuring weapon swaps and more powerful attack combos). And for the first time in the series, you'll sail and battle the seas in your very own ship. Explore Privian when Cat Quest III launches for Nintendo Switch on August 8th. It's currently available for pre-order on the Nintendo eShop, and a free demo version is also available.

Europa by Helder Pinto / Novadust Entertainment and Future Friends Games: On the moon of Europa, an android named Zee sets out to find answers behind the mysteries of a fallen civilization. In this 3D action platformer, use Zee's Zephyr jetpack to glide, fly, and accelerate through breathtaking landscapes filled with lakes, meadows, and mountains. Discover the story of the last surviving humans as you solve puzzles and overcome the dangers hidden in the ruins. Europa will be released on Nintendo Switch later this year. A free demo version is currently available on the Nintendo eShop.

Yars Rising from WayForward Technologies and Atari: A side-scrolling adventure that explores one of Ataris' most famous classic titles, Yars Rising, from Wayforward, the famed development studio behind Shantae and River City Girls. Introducing Yars Rising, an action-adventure. You control Emi Kimura, a young hacker hired by a mysterious patron to infiltrate her shadowy QoTech company. Run, jump, sneak, and hack your way through waves of robot and alien enemies as you slowly unravel intricate secrets shrouded in intrigue. The game also includes a series of challenging retro mini-games that pay homage to the original Yars Her Revenge. Yars Rising is sneakily coming to Nintendo Switch later this year.

Refind Self: Personality Test Games by Lizardry and PLAYISM:

In this exploration-based adventure game, you take on the role of an android created by a deceased doctor. There are no right or wrong choices on this journey. Every decision you make reveals a little bit of who you are. Travel to memorable places, interact with other characters, and piece together the future envisioned by the creators. Your personality type is revealed at the end of your journey, and by discovering 23 personality types, you can make different choices and see where they lead in each playthrough. You can also share your results with other players and compare your choices. Find your true self when Refind Self: The Personality Test Game launches on Nintendo Switch as a timed console exclusive this winter.

ANTONBLAST from Summitsphere: The devil himself has stolen your precious spirit collection. And you're on a rampage to get it back with his ANTONBLAST. ANTONBLAST is a dynamic action platformer that combines destructive action with gorgeous hand-drawn pixel art. Wield Mighty his hammer as Dynamite Anton and Massive his mace as Dynamite Annie, lay waste to wacky worlds and face off against brutal bosses. Destroy the landscape to clear your way and find new areas to explore. When you reach the end of each level, the detonator will start going off, so you have to hurry and get back to the beginning before everything explodes. Get ready for some destructive fun when ANTONBLAST launches for Nintendo Switch as a timed console exclusive on November 12th. A free demo version is currently available on the Nintendo eShop.

Valley Peaks from Tub Club and those Awesome Guys: Valley Peaks is a first-person rock climbing platformer set in a pastel-colored mountain range filled with grunting villagers. As a new engineer assigned to the top of a mountain, explore to your heart's content and try to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. In between climbs, you can chat with the frog people and take on small side quests, such as filling out stamps on his card to unlock equipment. Or you can just sit back and relax with mini-games while catering to the needs of the valley's inhabitants. This year, the mountains are calling Valley Peak to climb on Nintendo Switch.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes from Simogo and Annapurna Interactive: Developed by the team behind Goodbye Wild Hearts, this non-linear puzzle game follows a woman who is called to work on an old hotel project somewhere in central Europe. will appear. Increasingly nightmarish and surreal fantasies emerge. This third-person adventure features over 100 handcrafted puzzles with varying mechanics and perspectives, each bringing players closer to solving the mystery. It's all about puzzles in “Lorelai and the Laser Eyes,” which will first be available for the Nintendo Switch console on May 17th.

stitch. From Lykke Studios: In Stitch, you solve puzzles (called hoops) of varying difficulty and size to create beautiful embroidery patterns. Completing the hoops in any order provides a relaxing and calming experience, with a handy hints feature and various accessibility settings. Once the hoop is completed, you can play again in free stitch mode. While the limited-time Daily Shikaku Puzzle is challenging and has no clues, the Weekly Hoop is packed with trivia inspired by real-life events. stitch. It is currently available as a console exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.

In addition to the featured titles listed above, the presentation included a montage of even more indie games in development for Nintendo Switch. Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is a narrative adventure in which players must use their powers to remove ducks to examine evidence, fill in the blanks, and falsify cases, and he will be available exclusively on Nintendo Switch on May 24th. will be released on. BZZZT is a fast-paced platformer with a retro-futuristic feel that will be released in Winter 2024. Another, Crabs Treasure, where you play as a hermit crab on an epic treasure hunt across polluted oceans to retrieve a precious shell, will be released on April 26th. And ANIMAL WELL, an action-adventure about exploring a dense, interconnected labyrinth and trying to uncover its many secrets, will be released in Australia on May 9th and New Zealand on May 10th.

*To use online features, you will need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription (sold separately) and a Nintendo Account. At the end of the initial term, your membership will automatically renew at the then-current price unless canceled. Not available in all countries. Internet access is required to use online features. Terms and conditions apply.

**DLC requires full version of game. Sold separately unless otherwise noted.




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