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NASA astronaut Jessica Meir explains how space innovation spills over to Earth

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir explains how space innovation spills over to Earth


At the forefront of space exploration, the International Space Station (ISS) serves as an orbiting laboratory around Earth and a symbol of what humanity can achieve when nations work together. A recent conversation with NASA astronaut Jessica Meir on stage at The Tech Arena 2024 in February sheds light on the complexities and successes of living and working on the ISS.

Scientific discoveries in space come with many challenges. Meir said that despite many discoveries from space research, such as cell phone cameras and air purifiers, many new technologies cannot be used in space.

When we talk about innovation, one of the most difficult things about experimenting in space is not the experiment itself. Jessica Meir said on stage at The Tech Arena 2024 that all the logistics around her have an impact.

Jessica Meir and moderator Linda Nyberg on stage at Tech Arena 2024. Image credit: Adrian Pehrson. Collaborative research at ISS

The International Space Station is a joint project between the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe, and Russia, all of which have a stake in the mission's success.

It (ISS) is actually designed in a clever way to require collaboration. So we depend on each other, which is very good for a peaceful project like this. Because the project must survive no matter what is happening on the ground.

Yesterday's coffee becomes today's coffee

From a sustainability perspective, the ISS is far ahead of life on Earth with its sustainable water recycling system. Meir explained that 85 to 90 percent of the water is recycled, including sweat and urine, all of which is collected through the toilet, as well as any moisture condensation in the environment.

This system, which turns yesterday's coffee into today's coffee, is a testament to the station's innovative approach to sustainability. Of course, in isolated spaces it is easier to collect larger quantities of wastewater, but it still has potential applications on Earth, especially in areas suffering from water scarcity.

Jessica Meir at TechArena 2024.Life on the moon and Mars

Creating a circular lifestyle on the ISS is a step toward the possibility of living in space and on other planets. A NASA astronaut told an audience at The Tech Arena 2024 that one of the most exciting things about his months in space was successfully growing and harvesting lettuce. Jessica Meir said it was great to be able to eat fresh vegetables.

The ISS is more than just a laboratory in orbit. It offers a glimpse into a future where the boundaries of human habitation extend beyond Earth, and one day we might all become astronauts.




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