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Pope's representative in the United States warns against the 'self-referential' Church

Pope's representative in the United States warns against the 'self-referential' Church


ROME (CNS) — The Catholic Church in the United States is grappling with a trend toward becoming more “self-referential” and withdrawing from the international stage and the universal Church, Pope Francis' representative to the United States said. United.

Speaking to Catholic News Service before officially taking possession of his titular church in Rome on April 21, Cardinal Christophe Pierre described the reality of the Church in the United States as a “paradox.” He said that while the American Church has “always been very faithful to the Holy Father,” he also noted that “the difficulty in America, as in all countries in a globalized but increasingly individualistic world, is to receive the Pope's message, in particular to work together.

“The pope believes that if we do not work together, we are not a Church,” he stressed.

Cardinal Pierre noted a “growing tendency to withdraw, to be more self-referential,” both in the United States and around the world.

“We must share our wealth, our goods,” especially in an increasingly individualistic world, he told CNS. “And I see that as a challenge for the Church.” French Cardinal Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States, attends mass in Rome April 21, 2024 to officially take possession of his titular church, St. Benedict's Church outside St. Paul's Gate. (CNS Photo/Pablo Esparza)

The cardinal was in Rome to take possession of his titular church – the Church of Saint Benedict in front of Saint Paul's Gate – in order to seal his cardinal's identity as a member of the clergy of Rome. In ancient times, the cardinals who elected the popes were the parish priests of the city.

The cardinal celebrated mass in the church in Rome in the company of local parishioners, members of the Roman Curia, American Cardinal James Harvey, ambassadors with whom he worked during his 47-year diplomatic career representing the Saint -Headquarters and around fifteen members of his family. from the Brittany region of France.

Joe Donnelly, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, attended the liturgy and told CNS that Cardinal Pierre “has been a bridge that has helped bridge differences” between the United States and the Vatican, praising the cardinal for “trying to connect the United States.” church with the Vatican.

At the start of the Mass, French missionary Sister Xavire Nathalie Becquart, undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops, read aloud Pope Francis' formal declaration of September 20, 2023, granting Cardinal Pierre the title and privileges of cardinal and assigning its owner to it. church. Joe Donnelly, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, attends the Mass in Rome on April 21, 2024, celebrated by Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, to officially take possession of his titular church, the St. Benedict Church outside Holy See. The Paul Gate. (CNS Photo/Pablo Esparza)

Four American seminarians and two deacons studying at the Pontifical North American College in Rome served at the mass.

In his homily, Cardinal Pierre recalled how, as a seminarian, he initially thought his vocation was to remain a pastor in the diocese of his native Rennes, France, but that after almost 50 years of traveling through the world in the diplomatic service “the pope called me to give me a parish, the parish that I never had.

He added that although a cardinal is a “universal figure” who can “float” between many roles, “the pope says 'no,' you should not float, quite the contrary, you should have deep roots in the 'Church.

While representing the Holy See in nine countries on five continents, Cardinal Pierre said he always found “a local church, a local country, a local culture.” The pectoral cross of French Cardinal Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States, is seen before the cardinal celebrates mass in Rome on April 21, 2024 to officially take possession of his titular church, the Church of St. Benedict at the exterior of the Saint-Paul gate. . (CNS Photo/Pablo Esparza)

“We encounter Christ in the Church, and the Church is not an idea, it is not a structure external to our lives,” he said. “The Church is the presence of God in our existence.”

The cardinal also reflected on the role of a nuncio as a missionary, and he said the two words that emphasize Pope Francis' mission for the Church are “encounter” and “conversion.”

“The work of a priest, of a missionary, is precisely to create this encounter, but not the encounter of myself with another person – the encounter of Christ through me or through the other person,” he said. -he said, which “helps us make a conversion.”

Before being sent to the United States in 2016, Cardinal Pierre served as apostolic nuncio to Mexico, Uganda and Haiti. He also served in Vatican diplomatic missions in Switzerland, Brazil, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and New Zealand.




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