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How nearshoring of Latin American countries powers data, AI, and more

How nearshoring of Latin American countries powers data, AI, and more


Monica Hernandez, Impact-Focused Founder and CEO of MAS Global: On/Nearshore Software Engineering, Cloud, Data, and AI Solutions.


The intersection of data science, engineering, and AI is reshaping the global technology landscape, with Latin America emerging as a key player. As a Latinx technology leader, my journey from growing up in Medellin, Colombia to founding a 5X Inc. 5000 company in the U.S. has led me to support the digital, data, and AI ambitions of American companies, especially with limited talent and constraints. It highlights the untapped potential of Latin American countries to realize their goals. We are mandated to do more with less. This personal and professional trajectory allows Latin America, with its vibrant technology ecosystems in Colombia, Argentina, and Mexico, to provide the agility, scale, and expertise needed to build a successful business at an affordable price. We highlight what makes us an unparalleled nearshoring hub.

Nearshoring is the outsourcing of services to neighboring or neighboring countries, usually to take advantage of advanced technical skills and to take advantage of geographic proximity, cultural affinity, time zone similarity, and cost efficiency. Refers to strategic practice. This approach allows companies to work more closely and effectively with their partners, increasing communication, agility, and collaboration on projects. In the Latin American (LATAM) context, nearshoring represents an important strategic advantage for North American companies. The region's rapidly growing tech talent, innovative ecosystem, and growing digital infrastructure, combined with its cultural and economic ties to the United States, position it as an ideal partner for nearshore collaborations.

Strategic insights into talent ecosystems in Latin American countries:

My roots: Colombia as a pioneer in innovation

In Medeln, Colombia, I entered the world of technology through a scholarship that led to a degree in software engineering, where I witnessed first-hand the city's transformation into a global center of innovation. I was able to do. In particular, Medeln's accomplishments as the sole host of Latin America's Fourth Industrial Revolution Center highlight the depth of talent and innovative capabilities that Latin America brings to the world stage, making Latin America an attractive destination for data and AI nearshoring. It is positioned as an extremely important region. Colombia's strategic position at the top of South America increases accessibility, simplifies travel and fosters stronger business relationships that are essential to nearshoring success.

Argentina: an intellectual powerhouse

Argentina's rich academic tradition has helped produce some of the most analytical and creative technologists, especially in the fields of data and AI. Deep technical expertise in each country provides the basis for scalable and cost-effective development of complex projects that require thinking outside the box. Argentina's network of universities and technical institutions, such as the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the Technological University of Buenos Aires (ITBA), consistently ranks among the best in Latin America. These institutions not only produce highly skilled graduates, but also work closely with the technology industry in research and development, further enriching the talent pool.

Mexico: a combination of creativity and diversity

The entrepreneurial spirit and innovative abilities of Mexico's technology professionals make them invaluable in a variety of projects. Geographical proximity and cultural affinity offer unparalleled advantages and facilitate seamless collaboration and communication. Mexican employees are not only highly skilled but adept at navigating the nuances of the U.S. business environment, making them ideal partners for innovation and problem-solving using the latest technology. I am.

Benefits of nearshoring in Latin American countries: personal and professional perspectives

Economic Efficiency and Scalable Talent: My travels to the United States and experience scaling a recognized technology company have given me a clear perspective on the ability of Latin American countries to provide economic efficiency along with scalable talent solutions. Access to top talent at significantly lower costs typically yields savings of 40% to 50%, allowing North American companies to scale projects ambitiously without sacrificing quality or financial prudence. I can. This value proposition highlights the ability of Latin American countries to provide cost-effective solutions while maintaining high standards of innovation and technological excellence, especially in the post-COVID-19 situation.

Same time zone and enhanced collaboration: The operational benefits of sharing the same time zone are immense, facilitating real-time communication and collaboration, and enabling agile development, which is essential for success in the fast-paced technology industry. and ensure rapid iteration.

Specialized skills to meet market needs: The dynamic nature of the technology industry, especially the latest advances in generative AI, requires a technically skilled, curious, and continuously evolving workforce. Latin America's vibrant technology community is eager to embrace new technologies and methodologies, ensuring a partnership ecosystem well-equipped to meet future challenges.

Cultural affinity: Operational benefits extend across time zones and technical skill sets. The cultural affinity between Latin America, the United States, and Canada facilitates smoother agile practices, project management, and teamwork, leading to stronger communication and collaboration. This synergy provides a more intuitive understanding of business practices and market needs across the Americas, ensuring that projects deliver the expected outcomes.

Embracing Latin America’s strategic role in global innovation

Having witnessed first-hand the vibrancy and potential of Latin America's technology ecosystem, I believe that it is important to understand how that ecosystem can help address the challenges faced by American companies, particularly those related to talent shortages and budget constraints in cloud, data, and AI. has proven to be of strategic importance. Latin America is home to a large pool of highly skilled professionals, providing opportunities for North American companies to innovate efficiently and expand without sacrificing quality.

As a Latinx entrepreneur and technology leader with Colombian roots, my journey has taken me from cultivating an IT career in the US to founding a company with just $5,000 over 10 years ago and growing it into one of the top 3 companies in the US. We have grown to a point where % of the companies are Latin-owned. I am driven by a vision to integrate the exceptional talent of Latin American countries into the global technology story while creating opportunities for other women and Latinas from underserved communities. needed to become a software engineer.

When we leverage the benefits of nearshoring in Latin American countries, we're not just implementing a strategy to do more with less. They have made it their mission to foster a more inclusive and sustainable technological future. This vision goes beyond business, shaping an industry that reflects the diverse perspectives of the global community, and shaping a world where technology and AI truly benefit everyone.

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