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If you're looking for the best cologne for men, try these latest drops

If you're looking for the best cologne for men, try these latest drops


Man spraying luxury perfume on black background, close-up
New Africa / Adobe Stock

You only have one chance to make a good first impression. That's why we dress well. That's why we groom ourselves expertly. And that's why you need to have a good cologne. You never know who you're going to meet and you don't want to get caught up in anything less than your best. You might be forgiven if your hair is a little long when you're on the trail. You might be forgiven for having a five o'clock shadow on a Saturday afternoon. And you might not get punished for wearing jeans and a t-shirt to the movies. However, you will still be judged for not smelling good. This is why you need to invest in the best colognes for men.

Having a pleasant scent is much more than smelling pleasant to those around you. It also attracts people to you and shows that you care about your hygiene. People will respond better and remember you fondly if your scent lingers. It's the most powerful scent linked to memory, so make sure you're remembered in 2024 with these top cologne picks for men. We haven't followed every big name in the men's cologne industry. You will see a name that almost everyone knows. But we remained truer to those than all of you should know. There is no Dior, no Polo, no Gucci on this list. We didn't look for names. We have opted for quality scents and selections that you will remember long after you leave.

Fulton & Roark Cloudland

Fulton & Roark Cloudland
Fulton and Roark

Some brands are leading the way in their sector. Some brands find their place in the industry. Other brands, like Fulton & Roark, are taking their industry and shaking it up with innovation. Cologne is an important part of the first impression, so why leave it on the shelves at home? F&R believes you should be able to take it with you, and they've made that possible with their solid cologne. Of course, convenience is only part of their innovation; superior scent plays an even more important role. With spicy scents like Calle Ocho and playful scents like Blue Ridge, they have something for every occasion.

Their latest innovative fragrance is Cloudland, using skin musks to give you a natural scent in a clean and clear way. Smell like yourself, but better, with the added bonus of impending rain. Do you want fresh and clean for spring and summer? It's the kind of scent that will make you the most pleasant person to be around. If solid perfumes aren't for you, get an extract and use it like any other perfume. Don't forget to grab the bar soap, formula 5 oil and deodorant for a complete scent profile.

Tom Ford Vetiver Gray

Tom Ford Vetiver Gray
Tom Ford

Tom Ford is one of the fastest growing names in fashion. His sartorial excellence is felt all over the world, and he even had the pleasure of dressing the world's greatest spy, James Bond. While he is known for his impeccable tailoring and classic luxury, he is also one of the leaders in luxury colognes.

This scent starts with fresh orange blossom and ends with saffron. Saffron is one of the most expensive and labor-intensive spices due to the tedious process involved in harvesting it by hand. This means that this perfume will be one of the most expensive on your shelf and should only be presented on the most special occasions.

John Varvatos XX Intense

Varvatos Intense

John Varvatos is another big name in the fashion industry. And just as Tom Ford made his name as a designer under bigger names like Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, Varvatos did the same with Calvin Klein. Just as CK created high fashion jeans, Varvatos took his own brand and created rugged menswear high fashion.

He did the same with his colognes when his Heritage and Artisan lines became staples of cologne counters around the world. Intense is the newest of the group and draws inspiration from the same thing its entire brand regularly pays homage to: music style. This particular perfume brings a rock & roll touch. It's a woodsy scent with notes of cedarwood and ginger flowers that give it the kind of life made for the stage. The center of attention, whether you're a rock god or a barbecue master in your own backyard.

Andrea Maack Yes

Andrea Maack Yes

Iceland is a playground for the senses. Its beauty resembles that of an alien planet; you can hear the untouched nature and feel the brisk winds that seem new around you. It is here that Andrea Maack luxury perfumes were born, composed of almost 90% natural ingredients. The best part is that the remaining 10% of ingredients are made instead from plants that need to be grown in the wild instead of harvested for their scent.

Notes of plum, apple and vanilla offer the kind of sweet smells that excite your senses, while tones of chocolate and musk give the scent a deeper profile, replicating the playground for your senses that you might find in Jest's birthplace.

Hermès H24

Hermès H24
Bergdorf Goodman

Hermes was the herald of the Olympian gods. This means that all his work was sending messages. Since 1837, the French brand Hermes has been sending the message that it is here to stay. After nearly 200 years of excellence, this is the kind of brand you can trust to send the message you want to convey when you wear their perfumes (or anything else for that matter).

Their new edition of the H24 line continues excellence by doing something simple. They went ahead and created a Tony Stark using a brand new compound called Physcool. Although it is used to create a cooling effect without a mental taste in foods, it gives H24 a minty scent perfect for hot weather.

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