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OpenAI, Google, Microsoft CEOs join other technology leaders on Federal AI Safety Commission

OpenAI, Google, Microsoft CEOs join other technology leaders on Federal AI Safety Commission



The U.S. government will advise leading artificial intelligence companies on how to use the technology they are developing to protect airlines, utilities, and other critical infrastructure from attacks, especially those powered by AI. I'm looking for.

The Department of Homeland Security announced Friday that the committee it is creating will include CEOs from the world's largest companies and industries.

The list includes Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, as well as defense contractors such as Northrop Grumman and airline Delta Air Lines. Also includes the top.

The move reflects the U.S. government's close collaboration with the private sector as it struggles to address both the risks and benefits of AI in the absence of any applicable domestic AI law.

The panel of experts will make recommendations to telecommunications companies, pipeline operators, utilities and other sectors on how to use AI responsibly, DHS said. The group will also help prepare these sectors for AI-related disruption.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a release that artificial intelligence is a transformative technology that can advance the national interest in unprecedented ways. At the same time, it points to real risks that can be mitigated by adopting best practices and taking other concrete, researched actions.

The panel also includes CEOs from technology providers such as Amazon Web Services, IBM, and Cisco. Chip manufacturers such as AMD. AI model developers such as Anthropic. civil rights organizations such as the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law;

Its members include federal, state, and local government officials, as well as leading academics in the field of AI, such as Fei-Fei Li, co-director of the Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University. .

The 22-member AI Safety and Security Commission is an outgrowth of a 2023 Executive Order signed by President Joe Biden to improve security, resiliency, and incident response related to the use of AI in critical infrastructure. asked cross-industry bodies to make recommendations to improve the .

The same executive order also established government-wide rules this year regulating how federal agencies can purchase and use AI in their own systems. The U.S. government already uses machine learning and artificial intelligence for more than 200 different purposes, including monitoring volcanic activity, tracking wildfires, and identifying wildlife from satellite images.

Meanwhile, deepfake audio and video, which uses AI to push fake content, has emerged as a major concern for U.S. officials seeking to protect the 2024 U.S. election from rampant misinformation and disinformation. There is. In January, a fake robocall imitating Biden's voice urged Democrats not to vote in the New Hampshire primary, raising alarm among U.S. officials concerned about election security. A New Orleans magician told CNN that a Democratic political consultant hired him to make robocalls. But there are concerns that foreign adversaries such as Russia, China and Iran could misuse the same technology.

Mayorkas told reporters Friday while discussing the AI ​​advisory board that this is a real risk. We are witnessing the involvement of hostile nation-states and working to counter their efforts to unfairly influence our elections.




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