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China's Xi Jinping visits Serbia on anniversary of 1999 NATO bombings

China's Xi Jinping visits Serbia on anniversary of 1999 NATO bombings


Belgrade: Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Serbia on Tuesday evening escorted by MIG-29 aircraft as part of a highly secure visit coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of the Belgrade embassy. China, during which three Chinese journalists were killed.

Belgrade, after France, is the second stop on Xi's first visit to Europe in five years, which also includes Hungary. In Serbia, which is considered China's most important partner in the Balkans, Xi is expected to discuss China's multibillion-dollar investments in the country and possible new deals.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and government officials welcomed Xi at Belgrade airport, where he was greeted by a military honor guard and folk dancers. The two leaders will meet on Wednesday.

On May 7, 1999, 20 Chinese nationals were injured in the NATO attack, sparking outrage in China and an apology from then-US President Bill Clinton.

The embassy was hit during a campaign against then-Yugoslavia aimed at forcing the late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic to end repression against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

“The Chinese people value peace but will never allow a historic tragedy to happen again,” Xi said in an opinion piece in the Politika daily on Tuesday.

“The friendship between China and Serbia, imbued with the bloodshed of the two peoples, has become a common memory of the two peoples and will encourage the two sides to make enormous progress together,” Xi said.

The streets of Belgrade were decorated with Chinese flags and signs as thousands of police were deployed to secure Xi and his 400-member entourage, the highest-level visit by a foreign leader in years.


Xi is heading to Serbia after France, where President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen have pressed him to ensure more balanced trade with Europe and use his influence over Russia to end the war in Ukraine.

During his first visit to Belgrade in 2016, the two countries signed a strategic partnership. Last year, Vucic signed 18 agreements with Xi in Beijing, including a free trade deal that is expected to take effect in July.

The two leaders insist on an ironclad partnership between their countries. Along with Hungary, which is Xi's next stop, Serbia is the strongest European supporter of China's Belt and Road Initiative.

China operates mines and factories across Serbia and has lent billions for roads, bridges and new facilities, becoming Serbia's key partner in developing much-needed infrastructure.

Observers say Xi's choice between Serbia and Hungary aims to bring together two pro-Russian European countries and major beneficiaries of Chinese investment. Serbia's Western partners view the country as a Chinese hub on the EU's doorstep.

In 2023, China was Serbia's second largest trading partner after the EU, with total trade of $6.1 billion and one of its top five investors, according to the national investment agency.

Published May 08, 2024, 00:52 EAST




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