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Transferring lessons from the cricket field to the classroom

Transferring lessons from the cricket field to the classroom


by Sharon Waters for Rutgers Today

As a professional cricketer and coach, Rutgers senior Deep Joshi learned the importance of teamwork, which helped him achieve success both in the classroom and on the field.

Cricket is a team game of 11 players where they have to build a bond to win the game. Likewise, in an academic environment you work in a group and you need the ability to produce good teamwork, to complete a project, to complete a good presentation, said Joshi, 22, who will graduate in May with a diploma. in healthcare administration.

Joshi's cricket career started as a pre-teen when he joined a statewide youth league. He advanced to the United States Under 19 National Cricket Team, where his team competed in the International Cricket Council Under 19 Cricket World Cup Qualifiers in 2019. His team came second. , while the top-ranked team qualified for the 2020 ICC U19 World Championship in South Africa.

It was a dream to represent red-white-blue. Donning that jersey was like a dream come true, said Joshi, who now competes as a domestic professional in cricket's minor leagues, as well as in men's and under-23 national championships. Playing for your country at the highest level was an honor.

Off the field, Joshi is pursuing his interest in working in healthcare as a student at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and also has an affinity for business. He added a Rutgers minor in public health because of his desire to make health care more accessible to people, old and young. Patients need administrators and healthcare professionals to make their lives much more cost-effective and convenient, Joshi said.

Joshi chose Rutgers because he believed it offered the best program in healthcare administration and public health. Joshi preferred a public school and also liked Rutger's large student population, which offers abundant networking opportunities. It gives you the opportunity to connect with people and learn more about what they do, and they can learn from me too. You never know where this could come in handy in the future, all those connections and networks you make, Joshi said.

Throughout the spring, Rutgers Today will highlight the achievements of the Class of 2024 and share stories about the difference our graduates are making at the university and beyond.

That love of connecting with people led Joshi to launch a TEDx conference in 2023 in Hightstown, where he grew up. It was the city's first TEDx conference. Joshi said he wanted to put Hightstown on the world map. Developing a theme of The New Era, Joshi wanted to educate his community, especially younger people, and inspire them through the power of live conversations. Given TEDx's international reach, Joshi also wanted to empower youth on a global scale.

When you hear it live, you get an emotional connection with the speaker in the sense that they are much more expressive. You can hear their tones, and it just gives you a different perspective. While with a book you can't hear the person, you can't hear their expressions, he said. You don't hear anyone's voice, you just read words. No matter how many exclamation points they put in a book, it doesn't matter.

In January, Joshi received a congressional certificate from Congressman Andy Kim. This honor recognized Joshi for his achievements as a representative of our nation and community on the U.S. National Cricket Team and his work creating opportunities for professional and creative dialogue in our community as the founder of TEDx Hightstown, according to aEditionfrom Kim's office.

Besides playing cricket, Joshi also started coaching ages five to 16 in 2022 after being certified by the International Cricket Council. I learned that every student has their own way of learning, not everyone will be the same. So you have to approach them in a unique way, Joshi said. If other people can also expand their game with my knowledge, skills and experiences, I couldn't be happier.

Shawn Ekwall, lecturer and Joshis professor for Introduction to Health Administration, said it was a pleasure to work with the student.

Deep is an exceptional student with a high level of scientific acumen and a unique ability to synthesize new information, seamlessly applying it to assignment submissions in a thoughtful manner that encourages peer engagement and discussion, Ekwall said.

Joshi plans to pursue a master's degree after graduation, likely in business administration or healthcare administration. In the long term, his goal is to secure a leadership position within a hospital, healthcare organization, or corporate company. Joshi will carry not only his Rutgers degree into his career, but also the dedication that made him a premier cricketer.

I learned the importance of work ethic and dedication to succeeding at the highest level. If you want to be professional, how important is it to do those gym sessions, don't miss a day, make sure you attend the practices, make sure you practice yourself, Joshi said. All these things contribute and the result is that if you do it right, you have the opportunity to achieve at the highest possible level.




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