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A Google engineer who failed 5 times before landing a job

A Google engineer who failed 5 times before landing a job


\Qingyue Wang is currently a software engineer at Google.

Many people apply for jobs multiple times throughout their careers in hopes of getting hired by their dream company. Similarly, the story of a woman who never stopped trying and finally got a job at her dream organization, Google, is inspiring people online. Qingyue Wang, who currently works as a software engineer at Google, shared her experience and how she applied to Google in 2018 and didn't give up and was hired in 2022. explained. She asked people to “stop blaming and doubting” her for not finding work.

“I failed Google five times. The first time was in 2018. I took an online assessment from Google. I was excited but I couldn't pass the OA. After that, the interviewer contacted me. “They were under review,'' my OA replied, and I wanted to give them another chance, but unfortunately this attempt also failed,'' the woman wrote on LinkedIn.

Describing her other challenges, she said: “My third attempt was in early 2020. I took a phone screening interview and didn’t pass. But I didn’t give up and applied for the Site Reliability Engineer role in 2020. After four interviews, I received positive feedback, but unfortunately the role was canceled due to the pandemic.”

Wang said he finally passed the interview on his fifth try and received a gift from the tech giant. “In 2022, after my fifth attempt, I finally secured a job as a software engineer. After passing the interview, I received a gift from Google and a piece of paper that read, “Congratulations. Finding a job is tough…'' I have kept this document for two years as a constant reminder of the importance of persistence and never giving up. ”

The engineer said the job search process is not easy but requires working hard with a bigger goal in mind. She further added, “So if you once fail in your job search, stop blaming or doubting yourself. The job search process can be complicated and can be filled with rejections, redirections, doubts, and frustrations. But persistence is usually the key factor, and it's within your control. Keep going – we're on this journey of self-improvement together!”

Her post has garnered over 100,000 reactions on networking platforms since it was shared.

“Rejected 7 times…still trying,” the user said.

Another added: “I think so. It's hard to get into Google. I passed the assessment and interview, but was recently hired by someone else.”

“You persevered through the jungle and emerged victorious. That Google rejection letter sounds like a hilarious (and well-deserved) trophy. Persistence is key, and your story is the key to keep moving forward. Inspiration. Onwards and upwards!,” a third person wrote.

One said, “Honestly, trying so hard to get a job at a company that clearly can't hire you and is in trouble isn't about persistence, it's about not noticing the red flags.'' Google seems like the ultimate bet, but programmers, there are many other companies that will recognize your talent more quickly.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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