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Indigenous people's ingenuity to survive in modern times

Indigenous people's ingenuity to survive in modern times


Leslie Hawthorne Klingler, Research and Development Services

Tucson, Arizona

Modern agriculture requires indigenous wisdom, says Dr. Michael Kotutowa-Johnson, an assistant specialist in the University of Arizona's School of Natural Resources and Environment.

A 250-generation Hopi farmer, he relies on this wisdom to improve the health and well-being of his people.

He suggests four proven principles.

1. Do more with less. Reduce inputs needed in agricultural practices and modify diets to address inequalities and scarcity of natural resources. For example, learn from generations (i.e., the Hopi people) who have grown crops without artificial irrigation in a landscape that receives only 6 to 10 inches of rain per year.

2. Adapt to the land. Think about how you can adapt your habits to suit the location. Kotutowa-Johnson says that instead of adapting to the land, we are forcing the land to adapt to us, and the land suffers as a result.

3. Restore the story. Redefining innovation and ownership. Kotutowa-Johnson said tribes in the Southwest have been growing crops for thousands of years, and the companies are profiting from them. They steal, manipulate, and patent the genetic material from those seeds. Indigenous communities need to be recognized and benefit along with others.

4. De-emphasizes resource-intensive agricultural practices, viable seed banks, and land and seed manipulation that challenge the paradigm. Instead, focus on increasing crop and genetic biodiversity. Seeds are like our children. They need to grow up with us and receive the nurturing they need to adapt to changes in their environment.

Project Spotlight: IndigiSEED

Kotutowa Johnson grows heirloom seeds in three locations: on land at the University of Arizona in Tucson, in Arcosanti in Yavapai County, and on land belonging to a relative on the Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona. . Using three different soils, elevations and temperatures, he is able to test how these environmental factors affect the nutrient density of crops. His aim is to help indigenous communities decide whether to continue growing these crops.

Kotutowa Johnson inherited this photo of her grandparents, father, and aunt on a farm on a Hopi reservation circa 1950. The same farm is one of his three environments where Kotutowa-Johnson is researching the acceptability of native species.

Research Funding Arizona Partnership for Climate Smart Food. He has received $4.7 million in funding from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. MKJ is co-principal investigator. Climate resilience through Indigenous co-design at the food, energy and water nexus, with $2 million in funding from the Waverly Street Foundation. MKJ is co-principal investigator. Revitalizing Native American Food Systems: Empowering Indigenous Climates – Smart Seed Biodiversity, Native Food Preservation, and Indigenous Data Governance. She has received $500,000 in funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. MKJ is the principal investigator. Revitalizing Indigenous Crops in the Southwest. She received $450,000 in funding from the Food and Agricultural Research Foundation. MKJ is the principal investigator.

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