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Meet 20 Pittsburgh leaders driving technology innovation in 2024

Meet 20 Pittsburgh leaders driving technology innovation in 2024


Some people are very good at keeping you informed, from your neighbor on the block to your coworker in the break room.

For the tech and startup community, calls these people connectors: experts who connect locals, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

Connectors play a variety of roles, including helping newcomers find their first job and putting startup founders in touch with local venture capital firms. We believe that connectors help drive innovation in the markets we cover, and his annual RealLIST Connector feature celebrates that mission.

The list will be released in 2022 for Pittsburgh's 100 most influential technology leaders, followed by an additional 20 Connectors joining the 2023 group. His third installment on the docket features his 20 people Pittsburghers should add to their network if they want an inside look at what's going on in their community.

Scroll down to view Pittsburgh's 2024 RealLIST connectors in alphabetical order.

Who else should we look out for to be featured on future RealLISTs? We accept nominations from startups, connectors, and engineers throughout the year.

camille bailey

camille bailey

Greenwood Plan, Cocoapreneur

As co-founder and executive director of Greenwood Plan, Bailey works with co-founder Samantha Black (featured in the 2022 edition of this list) to support Pittsburgh's Black community. They are the driving forces behind projects like the recent conversion of the Pitt Building into a startup he incubator and Emerald City, a co-working space in a building designed for Black entrepreneurs.

In Bailey's other role, she was the founder and CEO of Cocoapreneur, where she created a directory of local Black-owned businesses. He aims to make entrepreneurship a more attainable goal for Pittsburgh's black residents.

Greg Coticchia

Greg Coticchia

1486 Labs, SE Healthcare, Coaching International CEO

Coticchia is one of the experienced leaders respected by Pittsburgh executives. He has decades of experience at local software companies and co-founded his Founder Institute, a local branch of the Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program. His nominator says that if there is a list of people to know in the city, Coticchia's name is usually on it.

Alison Falk

Alison Falk


By day, Faulk works as a senior product manager at cybersecurity firm VMware Carbon Black, which previously placed her on its list of top engineers. But she spends the rest of her time upskilling women in the tech industry through her nonprofit organization WITPGH.

While she has long been a force in Pittsburgh's technology industry, 2023 has been a significant year for Allison and her organization, Foulkes' nominator noted. WITPGH received financial support through the Build Back Better program and used it to launch initiatives such as the PEER Fellowship to improve diversity in the robotics workforce. This year, WITPGH became the first member of the Equity Impact Center Institute.

rebecca landlord

rebecca landlord

fractional female solutions

Gazda, who has nearly 20 years of technology experience, founded the consulting firm Fractional Female Solutions in 2022 to connect women to leadership positions. At the same time, she holds a full-time position as Senior Director of the Innovation Lab at the cyber company DNSFilter. Gazda She is also an active member of WITPGH's leadership and frequently speaks at local events such as Saibara.

Ellie Gordon

Ellie Gordon


Gordon wears many hats at digital health startup Behaivior. The CEO and founder also works as a designer for mental health and addiction recovery technology companies, helping redefine the meaning of recovery by ensuring access to quality care. doing.

Gordon is a recipient of the Pittsburgh Technology Council Award and the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE and remains an outspoken voice on healthcare topics. She also leads the Pittsburgh Vegan Society.

Shannon Gregg

Shannon Gregg

Cloud implementation solution, Gaggle Social

Gregg works for a Salesforce partner who helps small and midsize technology and life sciences companies adapt to the platform. She is influential in the field and can often be seen speaking at conferences. Well-connected in Pittsburgh and an adjunct professor at Point Park University, she also serves on the board of Dallas-based social networking platform Gaggle.

Stephen Guo

Stephen Guo

CMU Technology and Entrepreneurship, Global Shaper Community

Guo is a health tech consultant who spends much of his time working on social impact. As president of Carnegie Mellon University's alumni organization, CMU Tech & Entrepreneurship, he helps provide training, opportunity, funding, and mentorship to graduates of Pittsburgh's powerhouse school. He helped develop the design and programming of an accelerator to further foster a stronger CMU alumni entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Mr. Guo is also the partnership leader for the Pittsburgh Hub of the Global Shapers Community, a World Economic Forum initiative that brings together young people committed to building a better world.

patrick juola

patrick juola

Juola & Associates

Text analysis can be used for a variety of purposes, from author attribution to reporting plagiarism. Juola innovates a new approach through a software program that can analyze large amounts of documents quickly and accurately. He is a faculty member at Duquesne University, where he also works in the computer science department at the graduate level.

Giora recently won a Fulbright Scholarship and will travel to Budapest, Hungary to support natural language processing in more languages, connecting communities in Pittsburgh and around the world.

Zachary Lipton

Zachary Lipton


Lipton rose to become CTO and chief scientific officer at health tech company Abridge. He leveraged his background at Amazon AI as a scientific advisor to the hot startup, which recently raised his $150 million Series C, helping build generative AI models for medical conversations. Beyond that, Lipton is an author, GitHub contributor, and Carnegie Mellon University machine learning professor.

michael lisanti

michael lisanti

CyLab at Carnegie Mellon University

CMU CyLab brings together interdisciplinary experts to develop innovations in security. As director of partnerships, much of this connection-building falls on Lisanti. These organizations include some of the world's largest technology companies, as well as some of the biggest names in the Pittsburgh scene. Mr. Lisanti has spent over 10 years building relationships and has deep connections with the local people.

Charles Mansfield III

Charles Mansfield III

Innovation PGH

A graduate of CMU, Mansfield has been immersed in the local startup scene. He has experience connecting startups and funds to help them grow through his two venture capital firms, Legendary Ventures and BlueTreeVC. At InnovatePGH, Mansfield works as the Ecosystem Community and Research Manager. He helps Gen Z participate in the startup world and is a leader in spreading the word about Pittsburgh and his District of Innovation.

Christian Manders

Christian Manders

bio breakfast

Each week, Manders brings together Pittsburgh's life sciences industry for breakfast and networking. Experts rave about this free event that allows you to connect with recruiters, venture capitalists, students, and more. BioBreakfast hosts his monthly VIP speakers featuring high-level executives from established companies and government agencies. Mr. Manders' day job is his COO of Promethean Life Sciences, a skin graft product development company.

jordan marinkovich

jordan marinkovich

innovation works

Marinkovich is the platform community manager for the startup ecosystem Innovation Works. Her nominator noted how deeply connected the position gives her, essentially Marinkovic's job description is to work with her founders and leaders to accelerate growth in the region. He pointed out that it is about providing meaning and value to people.

You can often find her promoting local job openings in Pittsburgh's tech industry or attending various VC events around the city. Marinkovich is also part of the Pittsburgh Technology Council's newest LAUNCH cohort, which provides STEM instruction to high school girls.

andrew milberg

andrew milberg


Milberg works as a senior vice president at real estate company JLL and uses his influence to help foster Pittsburgh's startup ecosystem. Mr. Milberg's nominee said he does more than just broker deals. He also works to create holistic spaces for innovation and community.

In addition to helping organize various technology events with Black Tech Nation, Vibrant PGH, and Women in Tech PGH, Milberg played a pivotal role in founding Robotics Factory. Located on Robotics Row in Lawrenceville, it aims to support relevant startups in the area.

Chris More

Chris More

robotics hub

Robotics Hub provides VC support to local startups, and Moehle has been a force behind the organization since 2015. As Managing Director, he connects Pittsburgh technology to a global innovation network. Moehles has worked with several local committees, including Ariel Precision Medicine, Allvision IO, and Agility Robotics, making him a deeply rooted member of the scene.

Kamal Nigam

Kamal Nigam

pittsburgh foundation

Nigam is as deeply involved in the local tech scene as he is in his efforts to better the city. As co-founder and senior engineering director at Google's Pittsburgh Hub, he led the development of the company's shopping search products and expanded the office from two to 750 employees. He also taught machine learning at his alma mater, CMU.

After leaving Google in 2020 and becoming a so-called tech free agent, Nigam founded a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering connections between police and communities of color toward the goal of safer cities. , started and grew the Hear Foundation. He is a former board member and current volunteer with Riverlife, an organization that works to revitalize and revitalize Pittsburgh's riverfront, and is secretary of the board of directors for the Pittsburgh Foundation, a community philanthropy. .

Daniela Osio

Daniela Osio


We featured Kloopify on our 2022 RealLIST Startups, highlighting their funding advances at the time. A lot has happened for the company since then, with founder Oshio ending 2023 with his face plastered on a billboard in Times Square. She has a reputation for sourcing and supply chain innovation, with a particular focus on sustainability. Osios and her connections with other executives will go a long way in spreading top-level knowledge in Pittsburgh.

albrecht powell

albrecht powell


Although Accenture is a leading global IT services provider with locations around the world, Mr. Powell is committed to maintaining the local technology ecosystem. He leads the firm's Pittsburgh office and is committed to inclusion and diversity initiatives across the firm. He also spreads that message to the community. Mr. Powell is a frequent speaker at local universities, including Carnegie Mellon University, and serves on the University of Pittsburgh's Data and Analytics Advisory Board.

According to his nominator, he is often outdoors biking, kayaking, and skiing, and has done a number of things, including biking 500 miles across Alaska in six days and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro while wearing a kilt. He is known for his unique philanthropic activities. Support local and global charities.

jenny sharp

jenny sharp

Pittsburgh Robotics Network

Sharp, who works as a senior program manager for talent development at the Pittsburgh Robotics Network, does just that. The organization brings together members of the robotics community and works to develop the region's workforce. By day, Sharp is a senior talent specialist at software provider Rivers Agile. She previously led the Pittsburgh division of Venture for America, a startup talent pipeline.

Teresa Whalen

Teresa Whalen

site agent

CytoAgents researches and develops ways to reduce the symptoms of cytokine release syndrome, a side effect of immunotherapy. Whalen led this mission in his CEO role, earning him the 2022 CEO of the Year award from the Pittsburgh Technology Council.

She is also deeply involved in the community beyond that. She's on the St. Clare Hospital board of directors, which makes sense given her medical background. Whalen also connects life science and women-led startups with the resources they need to grow through her work with her Next Act Fund and her BlueTree Venture Fund.

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