Top 5 points to make Kirin 9000 SoC special
Huawei recently released the Huawei mate 40 series. Not only did the company release these smartphones, but it also released more information about its latest flagship chip, the Kirin 9000. This chip comes with a 24-core Mali-G78 GPU cluster. It is the only 5nm 5G SoC in the world with 15.3 billion transistors. This is one of the reasons why many people want to own the Mate 40 series. Unfortunately, the Kirin 9000 SoC will be Huawei’s last flagship SoC for smartphones. The Mate 40 series will also be the last generation Mate flagship to use giraffe chips.
1. 15.3 billion transistors – the pinnacle of giraffes
With 5nm process technology, CPU, GPU, and NPU performance is much better. The chip also integrates Huawei’s most powerful communications chip with state-of-the-art ISPs. Thanks to the 5nm process, the Kirin 9000 integrates 15.3 billion transistors, 30% more than the A14 Bionic. The Kirin 9000 is the most powerful chip in the industry. It also has the highest number of transistors, which improves its performance. Analysts believe that many will buy the Mate 40 series just to evaluate the performance of the Kirin 9000 SoC.
World’s first 5G mobile SoC using 2.5nm process
Advances in the 5nm process have made it possible to accommodate more transistors on a chip of the same size. This often represents an improvement in the energy efficiency ratio of the chip. You may be surprised to see the Kirin 9000 listed as the first 5nm SoC. You are probably asking yourself, “How about the Bionic A14?” Now, the Bionic A14 comes with a Qualcomm X55 modem. This means that it is technically not a standalone 5G chip.
For the Kirin 9000, the Balong 5G modem is part of the chip itself. This improves power consumption and heat dissipation. In addition, the chip performance is much better than its competitors.
3. CPU, GPU, NPU upgrades – performance far outperforms competitors
First, the chip has the highest frequency and architecture of 8 cores. The clock speed reaches 3.13GHz, which is 10% faster than competing products. For GPUs, this is the industry’s first 24-core GPU (Mali-G78). Its performance exceeds that of competing products by 52%.
The Dimensity 1000+, which is already capable of playing large games, is a 9-core Mali-G77 GPU, so the Kirin 9000 has 52% more graphics processing power than its mainstream competitors.
The NPU uses a dual-core + micro-core architecture with a high AI benchmark 4.0 ETH execution score of 148,008 points, which is 2.4 times the performance of its competitors.
At the same time, compared to competing products, Kirin 9000 has a better energy efficiency ratio with 25% higher CPU energy efficiency, 50% higher GPU energy efficiency and 150% higher NPU energy efficiency. The numbers are pretty good.
4.5G super uplink speed is impressive
Other manufacturers just launched the first generation 5G flagship mobile phones a while back. However, Huawei already has 3 generations of 5G mobile phones. This makes Huawei more reliable with respect to 5G. The company made all the necessary mistakes in the first two generations. Now it offers the best. The current uplink rate is intimidating. Huawei’s uplink rate is five times that of its competitors, while its downlink rate is twice that of its competitors.
5. Huawei ISP – Performance is significantly improved compared to previous generation
Kirin 9000 comes with ISP 6.0. Compared to the previous generation, throughput is improved by 50% and video noise reduction is improved by 48%.
“We pursue speed and never stop.” Yu Chengdong used this statement to connect the past and the future when talking about an overview of chip hardware parameters and the transition to software optimization. This is also a good summary of HiSilicon Kirin’s development history.
The Kirin 9000 offers the most powerful performance ever. It also represents the peak of smartphone SoC design in China.
Kirin 9000 had many obstacles
In August of this year, Yu Chengdong announced that the US chip supply ban on Huawei would come into effect on September 15. The Huawei Mate 40 series Kirin 9000 5G SoCs will soon be out of stock and out of stock. The US ban is one of the major issues with the Kirin 9000 SoC.
There is no clear official data on the inventory of Kirin 9000 chips. According to media reports, Huawei has ordered 15 million Kirin 9000 from TSMC, but due to limited production time, the order has not been completed. The final output is about 8.8 million.
Since its launch in September last year, the Huawei Mate 30 series has shipped more than 7 million units worldwide in 60 days. Industry chains have revealed that shipments have exceeded 12 million units by the end of last year. It’s not difficult to understand why Yu Chengdong said “inventory is very low”.
Huawei didn’t invest much in the semiconductor industry
It’s a shame that Huawei’s investment is not very important from a semiconductor manufacturing perspective. As a result, Huawei cannot manufacture chips without US approval, but Huawei has made a huge investment in chip design. As Yu Chengdong said, Huawei has certainly made a huge investment in chips and has certainly gained a leading position.
As early as 2004, He Tingbo, the current president of Huawei HiSilicon, received a terrifying order from Ren Zhengfei. “We will provide US $ 400 million in annual R & D and 20,000 people. You need to get up and properly reduce your dependence on the United States.”
Today, HiSilicon is in fact representing China’s independent chip design. Areas include mobile chips, 5G communication chips, AI chips, server chips, and other specialty chips.
Huawei’s chip efforts allowed Huawei to survive when ARM suspended all commercial transactions with Huawei and its affiliates last year. Familiar with the relevant core technologies and full intellectual property rights, Huawei can develop its own ARM processor.
So why can’t we survive this Huawei ban?
The reason is that Huawei is good at chip design, not chip manufacturing.
Semiconductors are a very large industry. Currently, not many companies can master the entire chain. This includes chip design, manufacturing, packaging, and testing. Of course, you wouldn’t want a single company to be involved in all of these stages, as each stage would require a huge capital investment.
In fact, with the exception of Samsung, today’s smartphone makers do not have the ability to make chips. Huawei, Qualcomm and Apple all excel in chip design. Their chip manufacturing is done by TSMC.
The problem with Huawei is that American technology makes up the bulk of the production process. American technology accounts for more than 15% of the 14nm and 7nm processes. Under the US tip ban, TSMC did not have the initiative to freely choose its customers. This is also the reason why Huawei was prevented from producing chips behind the scenes.
So, is there a chip maker in my country that has independent intellectual property rights and can manufacture chips for Huawei?
However, without American technology, there are chip makers that can produce 28nm and 14nm chips. Nonetheless, these are not enough and the current mainstream chips are in the 5nm stage.
Undoubtedly, the Kirin 9000 SoC is a few miles ahead of its competitors. The company has done a lot of work on this. However, you have to wait for the Mate 40 series to reach your users to truly see its performance. It’s a shame to find that the Kirin 9000 SoC is a dead end for the Kirin chip.
Currently, the situation is very difficult for Huawei. However, the response to the entire catastrophe suggests that we are working to continue technological innovation.
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