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Retired soldier strains earthquake victims News


A former senior soldier recruited in Redstone is raising money for a school destroyed by an earthquake in Puerto Rico.

Retired Sergeant Major Jose Luis Garcia-Abonte served in Redstone from 2004 to 2007 as Chief Sergeant Major 832 ammunition battalion. Lives in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, serving their military community and those affected by any natural disaster.

On January 7, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake destroyed the Guanica School District. Garcia Abonte said he wants to ensure that 94 elderly people in secondary schools have the infrastructure to graduate.

Organized by 5K Run, Walk, Roll and SuperHeroes vs. Opening Race. Villians Warrior Kids Race, August 16 in Playa Santa in Guanica, Puerto Rico. Garcia-Aponte uses his ties to the former Redstone community.

He said: “One of the things that I learned from my time as a student in the early 1980s and later as a CSM teacher in the 2000s is that Huntsville / Madison residents care.” “As soon as I got involved in Guanica School, I contacted fellow Rock Family Nancy and Ed Reyes worship center members. I shared with them our needs and asked them to raise us in prayer. Nancy Reyes, a member of Bob Jones (high school) team, shared our organization (www.pgb1. org) and the students we serve after the earthquake with Mrs. Pagano, the school’s teacher. ”

Bob Jones high school students responded.

Garcia-Abonte said: “The school participated because their students were interested enough to open their hearts and collect donations just to be a blessing to their peers who had never met them, and who loved a 17-19 year journey to graduate from high school.” “I heard from time to time that the angels are among us. The Bob Jones High School students are definitely” duty angels. “

The earthquake left Guanica School under the rubble. But the fundraising efforts have made a difference.

“Nearly two months later, thanks to the Bob Jones angels, we used their donation to purchase pallets and plywood so our students would not learn in the mud when it rained,” said Garcia-Abonte. “Our school is now on the Osvaldo Gutierrez baseball field, and learning continues under the tents.”

People here can help by registering at 5K Run, Walk, Roll and choosing “Default Racing Option” on the registration site,


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