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The British must reject fear and put down their masksأقنعة


Finally hope! The government has indicated that all legal lockdown restrictions will end in England on July 19, and that even masks will become a matter of choice, in which case I chose to burn the mine. I wore the wretched thing just to “make others feel good”, and my heroes are the religious geeks and anti-socials who refused to play along. A few days ago, a girl in a thong and her boyfriend walked in a topless Waitrose without masks and a security guard asked them why. “We have concerns,” said the girl, who seemed to be the least anxious person alive.

My other hero is Sajid Javid, who has proven that changing a horse in the middle of a stream can be a good idea. Matt Hancock took a safety first approach: understandable because he was the health secretary when the pandemic started, so his focus was on risk reduction. Couldn’t sell lift closing; Maybe he didn’t believe in it. One hopes Javid has taken a fresh look at the data and concluded that cases are rising exponentially but hospitalizations and deaths are not, indicating that the emergency is under control. We need to shift from containing disasters to managing threats. Think of it like you live in an earthquake zone: you are aware of the dangers and prepare for the worst, but you don’t walk around and act as if the earthquake is happening right now, with your knees bent, holding on to the furniture. Nor should we act as if Covid is going to kill us all, because it won’t.

The government needs to correct two things. The first is consistency: If adults are free, so should children. It makes no sense at all that they are cut off from school, or even routinely tested, if the disease does not pose an immediate threat to them and the weak are dealt a double whammy. If we keep this absurd system going in schools, it will be unfair and sow confusion and fear: How are we supposed to feel safe if children are treated like unexploded bombs?

And secondly – this is critical – the government should not allow legal restrictions to be replaced by constant ‘advice’ or ‘guidance’, because we never got to the bottom of it, and the result – if trains or supermarkets still advise us of the distance and people assume they have to Compliance – It will be a de facto shutdown.

When that maskless rebel at Waitrose was confronted, the security guard was technically wrong: Miss Tong didn’t have to prove she had a medical exemption and had to accept her word (although I admire him for calling her). But these nuances are missed and one of the most frightening things about the shutdown is how much it self-adjusts. We did what we thought we should do without it always being necessary, and we will continue to do so until the government switches the message entirely. Boris has to tell us to be the man and get on with our lives. Time to channel little Maggie.

Work still does not understand

I hear Andy Burnham is Labour’s best hope, which is a pity because he’s not an MP and, based on what he said at question time last Thursday, didn’t “get it” either.

Anticipating Labor’s defeat at Batley and Spin a few hours before theirs, he pinned it to the right as he pitted the working class against each other by exploiting their differences. But it was George Galloway, not the Conservative Party, who exploited conservative Islamic sentiment in this by-election, while Labor played the Palestine and Kashmir cards – so you can bring down holiness more than you act.

It is also wrong to suggest that Labor is voting Conservative because they are deluded – that is, thick – because no one can be pro-Brexit or worried about immigration or crime unless they are manipulated. The truth is that there has always been a trend from the working class to the Conservative Party, the North is not strongly working class, and Batley and Spin were Conservative until 1997 (albeit with different borders). A survey earlier this year found that 40 percent of Northerners think Margaret Thatcher did a good job.

Tony Blair won an overwhelming majority not by patronizing the electorate so much that their class consciousness reawakened him but by acknowledging that Thatcher was sometimes right, and that concerns about crime, welfare, taxes, etc. were perfectly legitimate. Labor gets there: The new “Buy Brits” campaign, a kind of corporate response to Brexit, is a step in the right direction, but one feels that the party’s leadership is far from crossing the cultural chasm that separates it from the smaller parts. Britain needs to win. Just as Jeremy Corbyn never recovered from failing to sing the national anthem at a remembrance event, the photo of Keir Starmer on his knee was a special target. Yes, football players do. Yes, many fans support it. But it upsets enough the country to make winning more difficult.

animal magnetism

Bertie’s puppy was expelled from school. About outrageous obscenity. He has been attending nursery school one day a week to help him socialize, let me run around, and when I finally collected him the owner told me he was harassing prostitutes and couldn’t come back until it was “fixed”.

I lectured him in the car, though a part of me was proud of him. I doubt his courtship involved soft lighting and Barry Manilow’s record – dogs are more primitive – but it’s good to know he’s all men. I was hoping to feature it at Crufts one day. Maybe I’ll try Love Island instead.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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