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Amazing ancient Egyptian shipwreck “destroyed by an earthquake” was found in a sunken city 2,200 years later

Amazing ancient Egyptian shipwreck “destroyed by an earthquake” was found in a sunken city 2,200 years later


The ship of death that sank after being hit by giant stone blocks has been found following an earthquake 2,200 years ago in Egypt.

Archaeologists have discovered the wreck at the site of Thonis-Heracleion, a city that collided with the water as a result of the massive earthquake.

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A ship has been found sunk after being hit by falling stone blocks following a devastating earthquake in EgyptCredit: Hilti Foundation

Scattered across a series of interconnected islands off the northern coast of Egypt, the city was once the country’s gateway to the Mediterranean.

It was lost in a catastrophic accident towards the end of the second century BC, burying it under layers of sand and mud.

Underwater archaeologists rediscovered Thonis-Heracleion in the early 2000s, and expeditions continue to uncover ruins and artefacts.

Earlier this month, archaeologists announced the discovery of Cadiz and a burial site under the Mediterranean Sea.

The expedition was led by the European Institute of Underwater Archeology with the assistance of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

They believe the ship plunged to the bottom of the sea “after hitting huge blocks of the famous Temple of Amun,” according to the EIUA.

Located in the center of the city, the huge temple dedicated to the god Amun was one of dozens of buildings lost due to the deadly earthquake.

The wreck was once a speedboat, a long, sleepy vessel with large sails built to glide through the waters at high speeds.

A Brief History of Ancient Egypt

Here’s everything you need to know…

The ancient Egyptians were an advanced civilization that at one time ruled a large part of the globe. Civilization was established about 5,000 years ago when the ancients set up villages along the Nile and lasted for 3,000 years and saw the construction of complex cities centuries before their era – as well as the famous great pyramids. Experts in agriculture and construction, the ancient Egyptians invented a solar calendar, and one of the oldest writing systems in World: hieroglyphs. The afterlife was a large part of ancient Egyptian culture. They had more than 2,000 gods in which the pharaohs built huge, elaborate tombs to bury, some of which were pyramids – at the time they were among the largest structures in the world. The Egyptians believed in life after death, and the bodies of important people were mummified to preserve their bodies for the afterlife – The ancient Egyptian Empire fell in 30 BC due to a combination of factors, including wars with other empires and a 100-year period of drought and famine.

It is now located under just over 16 feet (five metres) of mud and rubble from the temple, the researchers said.

They located the ship using a new type of sonar technology.

“Fast galley finds from this period are still extremely rare,” said Frank Goddio, president of the EIUA.

The team believes that the warship was anchored in a channel that flows along the south side of the Temple of Amun.

When an earthquake hit the city, the solid mud on which it was built began to act like a liquid that fell buildings across the city.

It is possible that the large stone blocks that fell from the temple crashed onto the boat, causing it to sink.

It is not clear if anyone was on board at the time.

The researchers also discovered a tomb containing many ornaments and other artefacts.

It was in use as long ago as 2,400 years ago, and contains elaborately decorated pottery and a golden amulet depicting Bes, an Egyptian deity associated with birth and fertility.



Researchers have also discovered a tomb containing decorated pottery and other artifactsCredit: Hilti Foundation


A gold amulet depicting Bes, an Egyptian deity associated with birth and fertilityCredit: Hilti Foundation


The city of Thonis-Heracleion was lost in a catastrophic accident towards the end of the 2nd century BC, buried under layers of sand and mud Credit: Frank Goddio

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