How to stay safe in Costa Rica during an earthquake:
Tico Times
Earthquakes in Costa Rica and around the world are caused by the rapid and sudden shaking of the earth as the underground plates move very quickly. When an earthquake hits, you may hear a louder roar. In addition, you may feel a rolling sensation that begins gently and grows violent.
Some areas in the United States are considered “fault zones,” which means they are at risk of dangerous earthquakes. These include countries in Central America, along the west coast, and in the south. Note that even less powerful earthquakes can be dangerous. Earthquakes occur all over the world. The key is knowing how to protect yourself.
The National Earthquake Information Center claims that there are more than 50 earthquakes per day in the United States alone. The annual average is up to 20,000 earthquakes. These earthquakes occur all over the country, but about 45 states are at risk of moderate to high earthquakes. Places like Costa Rica experience small and large earthquakes frequently – about 12 each day.
While earthquakes are natural disasters we can’t stop, here are some ways to keep you and your family safe if you’re planning to visit Costa Rica anytime soon. So, let’s discuss what to do and what not to do during an earthquake.
What are the five safety steps during an earthquake?
Here are the five steps that can help you protect yourself and your loved ones during an earthquake in Costa Rica.
1. Identify internal risks and develop a plan to deal with disasters
During an earthquake, people are injured or injured due to structural damage, collapse of building materials, and heavy objects falling on them. Most of these earthquake hazards include:
Ceiling lights and fixtures
Creating a disaster plan to deal with these threats can greatly help you reduce and avoid earthquake damage. You can practice earthquake exercise, understand emergency procedures, and make an evacuation plan.
2. Identify potential vulnerabilities
You need to strengthen the infrastructure to ensure that your building can withstand earthquakes. You are more likely to survive if you know the safe places in your home, such as a sturdy table away from the walls.
3. Supply kits
Help may not arrive for hours after the earthquake as the authorities and rescue teams need time to clear things up. A survival kit can help you manage this difficult time; You should have water, non-perishable food, a battery-powered radio, and other supplies for at least 3 days.
4. Drop it, cover it, and stop it
Get down on your hands to protect yourself from falling. Cover your body under a sturdy table or next to low furniture so you can avoid injuries from objects falling on you. Try to cover your head while holding the cap until the earthquake is over.
5. Check for damages
Provide your loved ones with first aid after an earthquake; This improves your chances of surviving until the rescue teams arrive.
What should I do during an earthquake in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica is prone to frequent earthquakes because the Caribbean and the Cocos Plate are constantly moving. And when they break apart or collide, they cause geologic forces that lead to minor tremors to large-scale earthquakes. Here are some of the things you should do if you experience an earthquake in Costa Rica.
The dread of the earthquake will hurt more than anything else. It is better to stay in safe places until the earthquake is over than to try to run out of water. Do not take the elevator until after the earthquake is over because there is a chance of aftershocks. An elevator can go down to the ground and kill everyone inside, so always use the stairs only when you’re sure the earthquake is over. Stop driving and stay away from electric poles and billboards if you’re in the car, follow the emergency exit at or look for a door frame or cover under a sturdy table, and if you’re outside, try to find an open spot away from utility wires, buildings, and fuel and gas lines. What should you do during an earthquake at home or in a hotel?
If you are at home or in a hotel when the earthquake strikes, you should:
Stay away from all door aisles and don’t rush because everyone will try to do the same, if you have mobility issues and can’t fall to the ground and cover yourself, try to stay in your wheelchair and lock the wheels. and pillows if you can’t leave the bed and move to a safe place, stay away from hanging objects, heaters, exterior walls and windows, and stay out in the open if you’re outside; Stay away from electricity poles, telephones, trees, and other heavy objects that might fall on you, and if you get stuck, try to get someone’s attention by tapping on metal or something solid. Rescue teams will likely recognize your voice and contact you to save you. What should you never do during an earthquake?
Let us now discuss some of the things that you should not do during an earthquake.
Avoid turning on the gas again
Do not attempt to turn on the gas immediately after the earthquake. You never know if there is damage or leakage in the lines that can cause an explosion.
Stay away from electrical appliances
It’s best to stay away from electrical appliances if you ever find yourself in an earthquake because a single spark could cause an explosion or a fire, hurting you and others around you.
Sources 2/ https://ticotimes.net/2021/10/09/how-to-stay-safe-in-costa-rica-during-an-earthquake The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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